Upcoming Version ( 2024.3 Build 0000 ) (Tentative Release Date:  2024-07-10 1:00pm Wednesday) 

New Enhancement List

  • Exclude Customer Parent & E-Receipt Opt-In related column from Bulk Update features.
  • Additional feature to allow customer setup the INCard Point exemption.
  • Include column "INCard Point Exempt Setup ID" into Cash Sales details which allow user to check the zero point granted cause
    • Required DynaMod Server Socket 2024.2 Build 0002
    • Required Client Socket 2024.2 Build 0002
  • Added Customer Refund Note Transaction (New Document Type).
    • Incorporate with E-Invoice Refund Note submission.
    • Inventory handling for customer refund note
    • Account handling for customer refund note
    • Member handling for customer refund note
    • SST/GST handling for customer refund note
    • Include Customer Refund Note transaction for those sales/stock sales reports and enquiry screens.
  • Include column "StockArticleNo" and "StockCost" for all Promotion Wizard setup form. (Required DynaMod Server Socket 2024.2 Build 0004)
    • Mix & Match
    • Promotion Plan
    • Purchase with Purchase
    • Range Discount
    • Member Group Discount
    • Buy & Free Promotion
    • Add On Discount
  • Cash Sales support generate QR for Smart E-Invoice Platform self-service URL.
  • AcINCardPointExemptID was included in credit sales Sync from POS to DynaMod Customer Invoice table.
    • Required DynaMod Server Socket 2024.2 Build 0005 & DynaMod Client Socket 2024.2 Build 0004
  • Upload Cash Sales payment details info from POS (AcCSMPaymentSettle)
    • Required DynaMod Client Socket 2024.2 Build 0005
    • Required POS 2024.2 Build 0005 or above
  • Handle auto apply coupon discount in DynaMod POS Simulation module.
  • Enhanced E-Invoice to support document submission with digital certification signed (v1.1).
  • Enhanced E-Invoice Store configuration to allow choose for available E-Invoice version.
  • Allow non INCard merchant mapping location/subsidiary location to be populate in INCard Voucher Plan Setup if auto apply option selected.
  • Added Supplier Refund Note Transaction (New Document Type).
    • Incorporate with E-Invoice Self-billed Refund Note submission.
    • Inventory handling for supplier refund note
    • Account handling for supplier refund note
    • SST/GST handling for supplier refund note
    • Include Supplier Refund Note transaction for those sales/stock sales/purchase reports and enquiry screens.
  • Enhanced B.I parameter setup by added indicator of ParamValueIsForStoredProc
    • This applies whenever a MultiSelectLookUpEdit generates a list of values, such as '1','2','3'. This indicator ensures that the binding to the Parameter Name functions correctly when intended for use in a stored procedure.
  • Enhanced marketplace SiteGiantERP stock adjustment to prevent user manual input for stock quantity.
  • Enhanced  the speed of creating customer invoices for Shopee marketplace.
  • Added an option to exclude voucher promotions when creating and generating customer invoices and sales orders for the Shopee marketplace.
  • Enhance Import from Sales Order & Import from Delivery Order features control, not allowed to open import the document form if existing grid item consists of deposit transaction item.
  • Enhanced INCard Stamp Stock by added Copy to Subsidiary Company function.
  • Enhanced Member Redemption Stock by added Copy to Subsidiary Company function.
  • Added "POS Image" tab on the "Smart Inspector" screen.
  • Add New User Group Access Right (PRICE LOOKUP - REFERENCE COST, PRICE LOOKUP - SYSTEM COST) For Screen Goods Receive Note. Control to hide or show Price Lookup
  • Enhanced E-Invoice Submit Document support Taxpayer Login Option with own soft cert. 
  • Enhanced E-Invoice Store Setup by added Taxpayer Soft Cert attachment.
  • Enhanced E-Invoice Consolidation Invoice Submission with Digital Signature (v1.1)
  • Added support for E-Invoice automation task of EINVOICE_DOCUMENTS_SUBMIT
    • Automatic submit pending submission documents
    • Automatic submit pending submission Consolidated Invoice documents
    • Automatic marked Submission Expired for documents that expired for submission if there's any.
  • Added support for E-Invoice automation task of EINVOICE_DOCUMENTS_GET_SUBMISSION
    • Automatic retry get Submitted and Accepted document status.
    • Automatic retry get Submitted and Accepted Consolidated Invoice document status.
    • Automatic marked Submission Expired for documents that expired for submission if there's any.
  • Enhanced E-Invoice to support multiple knock-off of invoices for 
    • Customer Credit Note
    • Customer Adjustment Note (Adjustment  Type of minus '-')
    • Supplier Credit Note
    • Supplier Adjustment Note (Adjustment Type of minus '-'
  • Enhanced E-Invoice process by response with corresponding message such as login failed, or E-Invoice process is not ready to use.
  • Enhanced E-Invoice Store setup by added Set Intermediary Configuration. (Required DynaMod Server Socket 2024.2 Build 0008)
  • Enhanced E-Invoice by added support of Submit Document with Intermediary Login.
  • Add Popup button (Save As) on report screen. Can direct save report as PDF, Word, Excel, Text, image file without preview.
  • Notice2Go Store Setup & Notice2Go User Page control only Parent database allow to modify the record. 
  • Enhanced E-Invoice by added support of Automatically Submit Document with Intermediary Login in DynaMod Process Manager tasks
    • Update DynaMod Process Manager 2024.2 Build 0003

Closed Issues List

  • Fix E-Invoice Consolidate Invoice prompt error when attempt to access More - Submit Document
  • Fix typo of Client Login Option on E-Invoice Store 
  • Fix Customer and Company setup should be marked as read-only for TIN Validation Information result such as checkbox of "TIN Validation Success?"
  • Fix E-Invoice Codes Tables should have deletion check.
  • Fix Cash Sales new transaction should get default customer's E-Invoice Address State info to avoid record unable to save  
  • Fix E-Invoice Simulation, right click on the grid's row and the Popup of Actions shown too far from cursor. 
  • Fix error prompt "AcEInvoiceItemTaxTypeDesc_Document was specified multiple times for _t0" when attempt to open Supplier Adjustment screen. (Ticket: 157782)
    • Note: Update to DynaMod Server Socket 2024.2 Build 0001 to rectify above issue.
  • Fix Preview Customer Cash Sales report format will trigger error "AcEInvoiceAddressStateDesc could not be bound". (Ticket: 157785)
  • Fix Preview Supplier Statement Listing trigger error (Column 'Acvw_rpt00020HelperSupplier.WhatsAppID' is invalid in the select list because it is not contained in either an aggregate function or the GROUP BY clause.) By add group by WhatsAppID for the #tempResultSupStatementList (Ticket: 157786)
  • Fix Chart of Account error when attempt to add record "Column 'AcEInvoiceItemClassificationID' doesn not allow nulls" (Ticket: 157792)
  • Fix Preview Supplier Statement Listing trigger error (Column 'Acvw_rpt00020HelperSupplier.WhatsAppID' is invalid in the select list because it is not contained in either an aggregate function or the GROUP BY clause.) By add group by WhatsAppID for the #tempResultSupStatementList (Ticket: 157786)
  • Fix missing stored procedure error when populate subsidiary location on INCard Voucher Plan setup screen.
  • Fix error prompt "A column named 'EInvoiceIsTINValidateSuccess' already belongs to datatable" (Ticket 157852)
  • Fix E-Invoice required field assignment for Buyer and Supplier Address State ID whenever create new transaction in:
    • Supplier Invoice
    • Supplier Credit Note
    • Supplier Debit Note
    • Supplier Adjustment
    • Supplier Payment Voucher
  • Fix Import Supplier & Import Customer error prompt when attempt to process. (Ticket: 157834)
  • Fix salesman sales and collection issue. Collection amount will allocate to particular month column based on match date. (Ticket 157836) 
  • Fix DynaMod Client Socket shouldn't copy "SmartIMSClientSocketConLib.dll" to TouchPOS folder that would caused POS failed to perform Close Counter.
    • Applied DynaMod Client Socket 2024.2 Build 0003.
  • Fix Company Default Setting prompt error (missing field AcCompanySystemSetting.CentRoundOptionCusRefundNote) when attempt to save record. (Ticket: 157906)
    • Applied DynaMod Server Socket 2024.2 Build 0003
  • Fix Stock Sales Analysis Enquiry prompt error Must declare the scalar variable @IsShowRefundNote when attempt to preview result. (Ticket: 157926)
  • Fix transaction screen prompt error when select barcode by using popup from detail grid. (Ticket: 157936)
  • Fix detail gridview (N+1) line selected account number keep overwrite previous row account number. (Ticket 157886, 157923, 157931)
  • Fix Supplier Quotation Request unable to void item due to permission issue. (Ticket 157898)
  • Fix Cash Sales "UnitPrice" & "Quantity" column values will change to 0 after leaving the particular column. (Ticket 157753)
  • Fix unable to get Valid status for Self-billed E-Invoice.
  • Fix the Supplier Price comparison screen price table been unable due to last item was not set to the document supplier.  (Ticket 158050)
  • Fix Customer Invoice - Import Multiple Documents, E-Invoice buyer's address not being saved correctly.
  • Fix incorrect ParentDbName been assigned to INCard Voucher Plan setup.
  • Fix the deposit amount unable to detect when invoice import from delivery order which reference to deposit sales order. (Ticket 158127)
  • Fix E-Invoice consolidate invoice generate process possible duplicate of running number.
  • Fix E-Invoice consolidate invoice generate process always process for all locations but not selected locations only.
  • Fix E-Invoice Project Task log error when try to access it from E-Invoice Project - More - Task Log
  • Fix Cash Sales E-Invoice Refund Note should submit positive value instead.
  • Fix WhatsApp by Browser mode not working in x64 bit mode due to library not compatible. 
  • F
  • Fixed the "Stock Transfer (Receive Stock)" issue where "From Location" would become blank and uneditable when importing from Stock Transit. (Ticket: 158453)


Version 2024.2 Build 0000 has been released



Version 2024.1 Build 0000 has been released



Version 2023.3 Build 0000 has been released



Version 2023.2 Build 0000 has been released



Version 2023.1 Build 0000 has been released



Version 2022.3 Build 0000 has been released



Version 2022.2 Build 0000 has been released



Version 2022.1 Build 0000 has been released




Version 2021.3 Build 0000 has been released



Version 2021.2 Build 0000 has been released



Version 2021.1 Build 0000 has been released



Version 2020.3 Build 0000 has been released



Version 2020.2 Build 0000 has been released.



Version 2020.1 Build 0000 has been released.



Version 2019.1 Build 0006 has been released.



Version 2019.1 Build 0005 has been released.



Version 2019.1 Build 0004 Hotfix 0001 has been released.



Version 2019.1 Build 0004 has been released.



Version 2019.1 Build 0003 has been released.



Version 2019.1 Build 0002 Hotfix 0001 has been released.



Version 2019.1 Build 0002 has been released.



Version 2019.1 Build 0001 has been released.



Version 2019.1 Build 0000 has been released.



Version 2018.3 Build 0002 has been released.


18/10/2018 New with SST (Sales and Service Tax)!

Version 2018.3 Build 0001 has been released.


30/08/2018 New with SST (Sales and Service Tax)!

Version 2018.3 Build 0000 has been released. (Malaysia SST 2018 Sept)



Version 2018.2 Build 0010 has been released.



Version 2018.2 Build 0008 has been released.



Version 2018.2 Build 0007 has been released.



Version 2018.2 Build 0006 has been released.



Version 2018.2 Build 0005 has been released.



Version 2018.2 Build 0004 has been released.



Version 2018.2 Build 0003 has been released.



Version 2018.2 Build 0002 has been released for compliance change of Malaysia GST for Kastam FAQ dated 30/May/2018 



Version 2018.2 Build 0001 has been released for compliance change of Malaysia GST for Kastam FAQ dated 25/May/2018



Version 2018.2 has been released for Malaysia GST Changes 2018 from 6% to 0%.
