New Enhancement List
- Added Subsidiary Company Stock Balance Company Registration screen for DynaMod WebAPI usage to allow check stock balance by given a Location ID and Stock ID.
- Required DynaMod Server Socket 2024.4 Build 0001 or above
- Service Reminder Listing Report add (Mechanic name, Vehicle Model) Field, and able to filter by (Customer, Customer Group, Salesman and Area)
- Customer Service Appointment Report able to filter by multi-select (Service Type)
- Added new payment type "Paysys QR"
- Import From Goods Receive Note pop up for Partial Item Matching added field Match Type and Match Document No.
- E-Invoice: Enable E-Invoice Transaction Listing to be able to perform schedule for email
- E-Invoice: Added E-Invoice Consolidate Invoice Transaction Listing.
- E-Invoice: Added E-Invoice Consolidate Invoice Submit Reminder Listing.
- Enhanced Email Schedule Module:
- Added option Enable email send with empty data.
- By uncheck the option, email will only be sent whenever containing data.
- Daily Rule added option to set Custom Date
- Custom Date for Date From
- Custom Date for Date To
- Custom Date for As At Date
- Monthly Rule added option to set Custom Date
- Custom Date for Date From
- Custom Date for Date To
- Custom Date for As At Date
- Monthly Rule is now able to set consecutively email trigger days.
- Added option Enable email send with empty data.
- Enhanced Email Template by added new placeholder for email subject and content
- {Report_Date_Today} - This will be replaced with today's date as yyyy-MM-dd
- Added placeholders for Schedule Reports E-Invoice Email Template:
- {DocumentCardID} - Customer ID
- {DocumentCardName} - E-Invoice Buyer's Name
- {DocumentNumber} - Document Number (eg: Customer Invoice Number)
- E-Invoice: Added E-Invoice Task to allow auto email to buyer once the document get validated successfully from LHDN
- E-Invoice Added E-Invoice Email Task
- Accessible from E-Invoice Malaysia - Setup - E-Invoice Email Task
- You may configure auto email for valid E-Invoice document to buyer via the setup.
- E-Invoice Added E-Invoice Email Task
- Accessible from E-Invoice Malaysia - Setup - E-Invoice Email Task
- You may configure auto email for valid E-Invoice document to buyer via the setup.
- New task added to DynaMod Process Manager:
- Required DynaMod Process Manager 2024.4 Build 0001 or above
- E-Invoice: Customer Maintenance mandatory fields would not be enforced when "E-Invoice Is Not Applicable" being marked. Instead, system will auto assigned default value if not value been provided and "E-Invoice Is Not Applicable" being marked.
- E-Invoice: Revoked both Supplier's and Buyer's as mandatory fields check from transaction screens.
- E-Invoice: Enhanced Buyer's info to be reflected immediately once a customer being select when create a new transaction.
- E-Invoice: Enhanced Cash Sales to support generate version 2 E-Invoice Self-Service Platform link & QR
- E-Invoice: Updated Location maintenance E-Invoice Self Service Platform production and staging link.
- Production:
- Staging:
- E-Invoice: Enhanced E-Invoice submission with data input if applicable for
- APPENDIX 2-B: Applicable to Import and Export of Goods
- Reference Number of Custom
- Incoterms
- APPENDIX 2-C: Applicable to Import of Export of Goods
- Free Trade Agreement (FTA)
- Authorization Number
- Form 2 Reference Number
- APPENDIX 2-B: Applicable to Import and Export of Goods
- E-Invoice: Added E-Invoice Transaction Enquiry screen
- Accessible from E-Invoice Malaysia - Enquiry - E-Invoice Transaction Enquiry
- Added new POS Module Report - POS Auto Apply Voucher Transaction History
- Enhanced Serial Number module by added Serial Number Generate Pattern setup screen. Serial Number of the stock can now be generated based on the pattern.
- Accessible from Inventory - Setup - Setup Serial Number Generate Pattern.
- E-Invoice: Enhanced prompted message whenever failed to login to LHDN portal.
- E-Invoice: Enhanced Bulk Update Import Utility for Customer, Supplier, Location whereby it would now automatic removed the space for column of:
- EInvoiceRegTIN
- EInvoiceRegNumber
- EInvoiceRegNumber_NRIC
- EInvoiceRegNumber_PASSPORT
- EInvoiceRegNumber_BRN
- EInvoiceRegNumber_ARMY
- Enhanced the "Negative Quantity Stock Only" filter in the "Generate New Stock List" popup from Stock Take to refer to the total Root UOM Balance Quantity instead of individual UOM Balances. (Ticket: 161363)
- Added new features - Stock Batch Management for Inventory Module.
- Added StockIsBatchControl, AcStockBatchSellMethodID, IsBatchExpiryRequired column to Stock Maintenance.
- Added *Batch Number (Read Only)* tab on Stock Impact transaction form for Batch usage preview.
- Customer Module: Delivery Order, Delivery Return, Customer Invoice,Packing List,Debit Note,Credit Note,Cash Sales
- Supplier Module: Good Receive Note (GRN), Good Return Note (GRTN), Supplier Invoice, Debit Note, Credit Note
- Inventory Module: Stock Assembly, Stock Assembly(Quick Entry), Stock Transit, Stock Transfer, Stock Receive, Stock Issue, Stock Write-Off, Stock Adjustment
- Customer Module: Delivery Order, Delivery Return, Customer Invoice,Packing List,Debit Note,Credit Note,Cash Sales
- Added Enquiry form:
- Batch Number Transaction Enquiry
- Stock Batch Expiry Enquiry
- Added Batch Information column for Report:
- Stock Balance Quantity Listing - Batch Number
- Stock Batch Sales Analysis by Document
- Stock Batch Sales Analysis by Stock Code
- Stock Batch Sales Analysis by Batch Number
- Stock Card Listing - Batch Number
- E-Invoice: Enhanced E-Invoice Dashboard by allowed to auto save the grid's layout.
- Enhance Transaction Import screen "Select All" only select current screen visible row only (Ticket: 160548)
- Allow to setup default value for workshop vehicle model and mechanic when setup vehicle on company default Settings (Ticket: 161767, 161751)
- Added workshop related column to allow customize the form to include vehicle, mileage, and mechanic information on workshop transaction form. (Ticket: 161780)
- Enhance Singapore GST Tax Submission via IRAS api by using Company Registration number (BRN) for TaxRefNo column value instead of Tax Submission ID.
- E-Invoice: Allow to copy the current logon company e-Invoice elememt from Company Setup to Location Setup without any resign-in request. (Ticket: 161700)
- Workshop Module: Enhanced Customer Invoice & Cash Sales screen to allow maintain "Next Service Date" value for reference purpose. (Ticket 161791)
- Enhanced Stock Batch Management for Inventory Module. The Batch number able to sell by FIFO and LIFO. Added new button "Auto selected" to help auto assign the batch by FIFO or LIFO.
- Enhanced Payment Type setup by added below options (temporary dimmed until POS ready):
- RHB DuitNow
- Finexus Card
- Finexus QR
- Finexus DuitNow
- Enhanced POS Management Module by added POS Payment Type setup for RHB DuitNow
- Added Smart Payment Platform Store setup
- Added RHB DuitNow Store setup
- E-Invoice: Revoke the validation check in transaction screens for General Tin EI00000000040 with BRN as Registration Type and Registration Number: NA
- Enhance POS Simulation to handle member group limit quantity which do not apply the promotion if sales quantity have hit the quantity limit. (Ticket 162027)
- E-Invoice: Enhanced master setup and transaction screens to auto trim and revoked double spaces to reduce possible validation error returned from LHDN when submit the document with digital signature (v1.1)
- Supplier Information
- Between the alphabet and number cannot have space:
- Supplier TIN
- Supplier Registration Number
- Supplier SST Number
- Supplier Tourism Tax Number
- Between the alphabet and number cannot have double space:
- Supplier Registration Name
- Address Line
- City Name
- Supplier Contact Number
- Between the alphabet and number cannot have space:
- Buyer Information
- Between the alphabet and number cannot have space:
- Buyer TIN
- Buyer Registration Number
- Buyer SST Number
- Between the alphabet and number cannot have double space:
- Buyer Registration Name
- Address Line
- City Name
- Buyer Contact Number
- Between the alphabet and number cannot have space:
- Supplier Information
- E-Invoice: Customer Maintenance screen, enhance the validation check triggering only if E-Invoice TIN or Registration Number being provided during add/edit record. The same applies to Supplier Maintenance screen.
- E-Invoice: Enhanced MSIC Code selection to update Business Activity Description
- Company Setup
- Location Setup
- Customer Setup
- Supplier Setup
- E-Invoice: Customer and Supplier Maintenance screen, enhance to allow Country ID input or selection from the list.
- E-Invoice: Enhanced prompted message if failed to login to MyInvois portal.
- E-Invoice: Added Taxpayer TIN Search function by implement LHDN Search Taxpayer TIN API (using Registration Type and Number to perform search). The function available in below screens:
- Company, Location, Customer, Supplier master screen.
- Transaction screens.
- Enhanced Stock able to add takeaway charge amount and a Company default setting able to set takeaway stock.
- E-Invoice: Revoked marked transactions to Submission Expired during auto submission process.
- Note: To disable the auto submission process, do either update DynaMod 2024.4 Build 0000 Hotfix 0009 or, apply update DynaMod Process Manger 2024.4 Build 0003
- E-Invoice: Handle Login as Intermediary System for Sole Proprietor (onbehalfof header should be in form of TIN:BRN in order to login for further activity such as Submit Document, Validate Taxpayer TIN etc.)
- Note: Please update DynaMod Process Manager 2024.4 Build 0003 in order to support for Sole Proprietor scenario.
- Enhanced SPP (Smart Payment Platform) Store Setup by adding data integrity check, and able to set production or sandbox URL.
- Enhanced DynaMod Client Socket Payment Method Sync Task:
- Added RHB DuitNow Store sync
- Required DynaMod Client Socket 2024.4 Build 0002 or above
- Required DynaMod 2024.4 Build 0000 Hotfix 0009 or above
- Required POS 2024.4 Build 0005 or above
- Revoked obsoleted Boost Payment sync
- Added RHB DuitNow Store sync
- E-Invoice: Transaction screens allowed to change buyer/supplier country ID with selection from list.
- Enhance the report filter multi-select functionality for Stock ID and Barcode by adding an advanced search button. This will prevent loading the entire stock list.
- E-Invoice: Company Default Setting added "E-Invoice Consolidate Method" and "Records per Batch for Consolidate by Document"
- Required to update DynaMod Server Socket 2024.4 Build 0006 or above
- E-Invoice: Consolidate Invoice Generate Process can now be based on configured Consolidate Method (DAILY, or DOCUMENT)
- E-Invoice: UI fined-tuning on E-Invoice tab display when create new record for E-Invoice treatment.
- E-Invoice: One Document Type can be select to generate consoludate e-Invoice at once process.
- Enhanced Stock Maintenance set "Item Origin Country ID "field is not a mandatory color.
- Enhanced "Import Stock" add the validation button to validate before import.
- Added "Disable Filter Stock With Empty Value" company setting to enforce entering a search value when using the search function of "stock ID" on the transaction screen.
- Marketplace Tiktok V2 (Added delete products function in Dynamod, enhance products and order download speed).
- Marketplace Shopee Customer Invoice has included sst shipping fee.
- Added column "BatchAdmissionDate" to the "Stock Location Balance" screen. (Ticket: 162587)
- Enhanced the "Batch Number (Read-Only)" on all of the transaction screens to memory the last modification of the design.
- Excel Import library has been upgraded from v5.3 to v7.23
- Support for reading encrypted xlsx files.
- Improved Xlsx, Xls files now load and save much faster
- Reduced memory usage. It will use from about 1/2 to 1/4 of the memory that v5 used.
- Improved handling of dates between 1900-01-01 and 1900-02-28
- Improved performance in
Closed Issues List
- E-Invoice: Fixed TIN Validation button's icon missing in Customer Setup screen.
- Fixed Customer Maintenance screen, the data would be reset and pointed to other record right after validation prompt (mandatory fields value not being provided) when perform Add/Edit of record.
- E-Invoice: Fixed transaction screens prompt error "Object cannot be cast from DBNull to other types. Do you want to correct the value?" when editing for existing record after perform version upgrade to 2024.4
- Fixed Notice2Go User unable to get Notice2GoUserId when registered successfully.
- Fixed Notice2Go User Maintenance - More - Assign Notice2Go Action Requester error prompt when pressed the button.
- Fixed Customer Maintenance screen - Member's tab - Gender layout adjustment.
- E-Invoice: Customer Maintenance - MSIC field as mandatory field checking should be removed.
- Fix Journal Entry listing report "Note" show invalid value. (Ticket: 161391)
- Fix SiteGiantERP marketplace failed to download products. (Ticket:161538)
- E-Invoice: Fix Load Recurring Document shouldn't copy E-Invoice relevant fields.
- E-Invoice: Fix Print E-Invoice Consolidated Invoices error when press Preview.
- E-Invoice: Fix E-Invoice Consolidated Invoices - Generate Consolidated Invoice doesn't handle for Prepayment Amount.
- E-Invoice: Fix shouldn't be allowed to perform Submit Document; Cancel Document; Set Document Flow in the case the document been consolidated.
- Fixed the display format of the "Document Time" column in the "Cash Sales and Collection By Document" enquiry. (Ticket: 161657)
- E-Invoice: Fix copy (Ctrl+Alt+C) and paste (Ctrl+Alt+V), should allowed to save the record by refreshed the Buyer's and (Sales Transaction) Supplier's (Purchase Transaction) info.
- E-Invoice: Fix E-Invoice Dashboard, the function of "E-Invoice Set Document Flow" was missing from the menu when perform right click on the grid.
- E-Invoice: Fix Cash Sales Screen, there's no way to input Refund Receipt Number when it's a Refund Note E-Invoice Document.
- E-Invoice: Fix Customer Invoice item import from base document does not follow stock maintenance set item classification code. (Ticket: 161726)
- Fix 'Object reference not set to an instance of an object' when Import from Parent Company Delivery Order or Import from Parent Company Customer Invoice. (Ticket: 161916)
- Exclude meter reading last billing information such Last Billing Date, Last Billing Invoice and Last Billing Meter when Copy and Paste. (Ticket 161525)
- Fix 'Object reference not set to an instance of an object' when Import From Goods Receive Note (Consignment Sales).
- Fixed the "Meter Type ID" cannot insert the "RENTAL" issue. (Ticket: 161759)
- Fixed import stock bulk update where not able to get non-English value (Ticket: 161967)
- Handle Serial Number & Batch Number when doing "Supplier Goods Receive Note Import From File".
- Handle E-Invoice column when doing "Supplier Invoice Import From File".
- Handle Serial Number & Batch Number when doing "Customer Delivery Order Import From File".
- Handle E-Invoice column when doing "Customer Invoice Import From File".
- Handle Serial and Batch Numbers when performing stock transactions using "Import From File".
- E-Invoice: Added back for missing records that introduced in 2024.3 Build 0000 Hotfix 0004 for E-Invoice Document Setting:
- Consolidated Invoice (CS)
- Consolidated Invoice (CINV)
- E-Invoice: Location Setup screen for SEP Submit Version will auto assign with value of '2' if not being provided when attempt to save the existing record.
- Added Technician ID Mandatory check for Meter Reading Service Card. (Ticket 162160)
- Fixed certain document type can't be navigate to document from Vehicle History Enquiry screen. (Ticket: 162266)
- E-Invoice: Fixed "Object reference not set to an instance of an object" error message after consolidate e-invoice been generate.
- Fixed error "Parameter IsIncludeCompatibleStockData is not exists in the command" when preview Stock Listing report.
- Set the field "Stock Is Batch Control" to Not Editable and Read Only on the transaction screen.
Version 2024.4 Build 0000 has been released
Version 2024.3 Build 0000 has been released
Version 2024.2 Build 0000 has been released
Version 2024.1 Build 0000 has been released
Version 2023.3 Build 0000 has been released
Version 2023.2 Build 0000 has been released
Version 2023.1 Build 0000 has been released
Version 2022.3 Build 0000 has been released
Version 2022.2 Build 0000 has been released
Version 2022.1 Build 0000 has been released
Version 2021.3 Build 0000 has been released
Version 2021.2 Build 0000 has been released
Version 2021.1 Build 0000 has been released
Version 2020.3 Build 0000 has been released
Version 2020.2 Build 0000 has been released.
Version 2020.1 Build 0000 has been released.
Version 2019.1 Build 0006 has been released.
Version 2019.1 Build 0005 has been released.
Version 2019.1 Build 0004 Hotfix 0001 has been released.
Version 2019.1 Build 0004 has been released.
Version 2019.1 Build 0003 has been released.
Version 2019.1 Build 0002 Hotfix 0001 has been released.
Version 2019.1 Build 0002 has been released.
Version 2019.1 Build 0001 has been released.
Version 2019.1 Build 0000 has been released.
Version 2018.3 Build 0002 has been released.
18/10/2018 New with SST (Sales and Service Tax)!
Version 2018.3 Build 0001 has been released.
30/08/2018 New with SST (Sales and Service Tax)!
Version 2018.3 Build 0000 has been released. (Malaysia SST 2018 Sept)
Version 2018.2 Build 0010 has been released.
Version 2018.2 Build 0008 has been released.
Version 2018.2 Build 0007 has been released.
Version 2018.2 Build 0006 has been released.
Version 2018.2 Build 0005 has been released.
Version 2018.2 Build 0004 has been released.
Version 2018.2 Build 0003 has been released.
Version 2018.2 Build 0002 has been released for compliance change of Malaysia GST for Kastam FAQ dated 30/May/2018
Version 2018.2 Build 0001 has been released for compliance change of Malaysia GST for Kastam FAQ dated 25/May/2018
Version 2018.2 has been released for Malaysia GST Changes 2018 from 6% to 0%.