Upcoming Version ( 2024.2 Build 0000 ) (Tentative Release Date:  2024-06-18 1:00pm Tuesday) 

New Enhancement List

  • Enhance SiteGiantERP's product price update status to display 'INCOMPLETE NEW PRICE' when a new price is missing during a product update. (Ticket:155027)
  • Enhance SiteGiant ERP's product price update process by implementing an error log to track failed price updates. (Ticket: 154990)
  • Enhanced synchronized member ->After removing the DynaMod customer, it will not sync to POS if the customer has transactions.
  • Added SST on Dynamod Stock Price Updater to re-update the New Tax Code (SST).
  • Enhance Shopee marketplace by introducing new features for deleting and unmatching products SKU. (Tickets:154781)
  • Enhance Lazada marketplace by introducing new features for deleting and unmatching products SKU.
  • Enhance Lazada marketplace download orders speed in Dynamod and Process Manager.
  • Enhance Lazada marketplace generate customer invoice based on the unique product SKU IDs.
  • Added Credit Term and Credit Limit control for Sales Order.
  • Enhance the Product Menu Dropdown Button's TikTok Match All SKU Function in TikTok Stores Management.
  • Enhance the "import into current list" function to show the error tax code column in red color for the "Stock Price Updater" screen.
  • Enhance Supplier Good Receipt Note "Import Delivery Order from Parent Company" features, to hide/show the cost related column by follow the user "show cost" permission. (Ticket 150482)
  • Enhance the "Client Socket" to allow users multi-open when start up from different working directories.
  • Added "Bulk Update" features to Supplier & Customer Master
  • Added Fiuu (RMS) reloads top up and bills service.
  • Added POS Add On Menu under POS Management -> Setup, an add on menu will be prompt the moment user proceed to payment in POS, currently only available in SEC.
  • Added new integration in i-Bank, CIMB bulk payments.
  • Added use POS price in Company POS Modifier Group Item, modifier item can now choose to follow POS price instead of the fixed modifier price, also added the dependency of Stock ID and UOM ID, whenever the stock item changes barcode, the modifier item will now be able continue to work
  • Added exclude voucher & promotion features to SiteGiantERP's marketplace create and generate customer invoice. (Ticket: 156314)
  • Added exclude voucher & promotion features to SiteGiantERP's marketplace create and generate customer sales orders. (Ticket: 156314)
  • Added generate stock list function to the Stock Alert Level screen.
  • Added new Whatsapp Features for form send. 
  • Added Filter Customer ID by location (Only For Transaction Entry) when select customer id.
  • Added location control and (POxSO Date) parameter filter for StockReorderListing Report.
  • Added Popup button (Radial menu), the Email and WhatsApp form send combine into 1 popup button.
  • Added Salesman Customer Stock for get customer and stock is under by which salesman.
  • Enhanced Training Data Deletion to include SiteGiant ERP and TikTok.
  • Added IsStockBindToSalesmanCustomer column for stock import.
  • Added IsEnablePosScan column for stock import. 
  • Added Fiuu Payment Link Setup.
  • DynaMod Process Manager added the setting to set the label to display in the notification icon.
  • Customer/Supplier Overdue Listing added option New Age Only to only display records that is newly overdue within the selected period.
  • POS Member Purchase History Source added setting Is Parent DB in conjunction with POS features Member Purchase History Discontinued Stock.
  • Stock Price Updater added Purchase Price Tracker to generate the stock list base on the purchase history.
  • Company System Setting -> System Behavior -> Customer Default Price added option Last Selling Include Quantity & Discount to copy the quantity and discount as well when adding stock in transaction.
  • Upgrade Report Engine - Stimulsoft Report from 2023.3.2 to 2024.2.4
  • Enhanced Data Bulk Update by added
    • Import Customer (Bulk Update)
    • Import Supplier (Bulk Update)
    • Import Location (Bulk Update
  • Enhanced Bulk Update Format
    • Added Export Parameters to allow export data based on configured format.
    • Added Export Data function in More - Export Data
  • Enhanced Import Stock (Bulk Update); Import Customer (Bulk Update); Import Supplier (Bulk Update); Import Location (Bulk Update) process screens by added Export Data function based on selected format
  • Re-aligned Database Validation sub-menu by moved in below process:
    • Database Validation
    • Validate Account Transactions
    • Validate GST Transaction by Document
    • Validate GST Transaction by Account
    • Validate GST Transaction by Tax Code
    • Validate POS Sale Failed Upload Transactions
    • Validate GST Tax Code for Stock
    • Database Reindex
    • Database Backup
  • Enhanced Location Setup - POS Info tab
    • Added indicator [Download to POS]
    • DynaMod Client Socket added new task of [POS Setting] to download DynaMod location info to POS's company profile for
      • POS Company Name
      • POS Business Reg Number
      • POS GST Reg Number
      • POS Service Tax Reg Number
      • POS Sales Tax Reg Number
      • POS Receipt Text 1 to 3
      • Area Manager
      • Branch Manager
      • Latitude, Longitude and Location GPS Url
      • E-Invoice Information
  • Added POS E-Receipt Setup for Whatsapp  Email.
  • Enhanced InCard Voucher Plan Setup to support:
    • Auto Apply Coupon Setup
    • Clone to Subsidiary. Need to setup the subsidiary on [11. Subsidiary Company > 1. Setup > 2. Subsidiary Company Promotion Registration]
  • Added E-Invoice Malaysia Module
  • Added ACMM Integration Module

Closed Issues List

  • Fix SiteGiantERP marketplace inventory listing save format and load format issue. (Ticket: 154972)
  • Fix Shopee marketplace download products error due to incorrect store. (Ticket: 155018, 155099)
  • Fixed Dynamod Customer/Supplier Opening Balance not auto declare a  Trade Debtor Control Account after selecting customer. (Ticket: 154923)
  • Fixed can't navigate to cash sales and prompt out please input Document Number when double click the document for inquiry. (Ticket: 154840)
  • Fix SiteGiantERP unable download orders with date ranges more than 30 days. (Tickets:154781, 155238)
  • Fix connection close due to timeout when Process manger execute task name of Post Deferred StockCost. (Ticket 154243)
  • Fixed remark empty issue on DynaMod Stock Alert Level Updater when importing from Excel. (Ticket 155417)
  • Fix WMS error when moving files to Error folder in Export task.
  • Fix Lazada marketplace unable to download orders. (Ticket: 155682)
  • Fix Received Amount text box height size running for Customer Invoice column. (Ticket 155708)
  • Fixed the issue where multiple reports couldn't be previewed. Generating a second report will no longer overwrite the first one. (Ticket 155663)
  • Fix marketplace SiteGiantERP stock adjustment not tally. (Ticket: 154859, 154585. 155086, 155781)
  • Fix Generate Customer Invoice for TikTok Orders causing document not tally (Ticket: 155981)
  • Fix cannot get correct Assemble B.O.M Stock when select Multi UOM Item (Ticket: 156015)
  • Fix Location Filter does not work in Profit & Loss Statement. P&L Amount still show in company amount when Selected location is choose. (Ticket 155976)
  • Fixed Schedule Email Error when the XML file was too large. (Ticket: 156228)
  • Fixed  SiteGiantERP marketplace fail to download brands. (Ticket: 156406)
  • Fixed  Lazada marketplace fail sync quantity. (Ticket: 156195)
  • Fix Stock Take can't capture cost (Using FIFO costing method) (Ticket: 155565)
  • Fixed Voucher listing report show incorrect discount percentage. (Ticket: 157129)
  • Fix Location Filter does not work in Profit & Loss Statement (Multi Level) . P&L Amount still show in company amount when Selected location is choose. (Ticket 156547)
  • Fixed synchronization issues for 'payment type' caused by duplicate ID. (Ticket: 157403)
  • Fixed Stock Transfer unable import from Stock Transit cause by particular stock transit has been locked and not released due to release action not handle in form closing. (Ticket 157222). 
  • Set the grid view as the focus item after a search action to enable Ctrl + F functionality on Stock Maintenance. (Ticket: 157221)
  • Fix POS Simulation Service Charge not calculated if GST is unable [Ticket: 157535].
  • Fix POS Discount Code Listing for retrieve discount code item if got Refund (Ticket: 157466)