TouchPOS 2023.1 Build 0013 (Released on 17th May 2023)
1. [UI2.0] Fix User Configuration file checking is not working during launch of program. (Ticket 150450)
2. Voucher Redeem Modify to Allow Both Voucher Campaign and Incard Voucher Redemption instead of Either one only.
TouchPOS 2023.1 Build 0012 (Released on 08th May 2023)
1. Re-align radio button sequence in report screen for report option in [Summary] and [Detail]. (Ticket 150220)
2. Added Block Hold Transaction for Exchange or Refund Transaction(To Prevent Double Refund Transaction)
3. Added Update Name when search Incard Membership.
4. Added Redeem Rules Checking for INcard Voucher Campaign
5. Added column [TerminalID] for
- SysLogAPITrxRow
- SysLogCreditCardTerminalFieldData
- SysLogEWalletTrx
- SysLogGivadoWebAPIRequest
- SysLogINCardAPI
- SysLogTrxErr
6. Set cursor continue focus on custom modifier textbox after added custom modifier (Ticket 149522)
7. [UI2.0] Set cursor focus on custom modifier textbox once click on button Modifier.
8. [UI2.0] Remove un-necessary background image (blue) on Stock Lookup screen. (Ticket 150337)
TouchPOS 2023.1 Build 0011 (Released on 26th Apr 2023)
1. Fix stock picture did not reflect if cashier tab item on Fast Selection screen then change to Barcode Scanning screen. (Ticket 149644)
2. Add Print E Wallet Receipt for GKash.
3. [UI2.0] Fix INCard Stamp balance screen, tick on checkbox [] "Hide 0 Balance Stamp" encountered error "Object reference not set to an instance." (Ticket 149943)
Steps of Reproduce:
1. Open INCard Stamp balance screen, untick checkbox [] "Hide 0 Balance Stamp" (there is no any stamp with balance) then close screen.
2. Re-open INCard Stamp balance screen, click on checkbox [] "Hide 0 Balance Stamp".
3. Error "Object reference not set to an instance."
4. Fix button Mifare Theme Park always visible bug since 2023.1 Build 0005.
5. Added Remark to submit through INcard sales and Incard Refund.
6. Prevent the scenario of first scan voucher, online verification will be failed sometimes and then proceed to offline verification. Added show wait cursor during online verification. (Ticket 150157)
TouchPOS 2023.1 Build 0010 (Released on 07th Apr 2023)
1. Fix cashier (does not have access right input -ve quantity) open input qty screen, input -ve qty value and press [Enter] key on keyboard and encountered error, "Form that is alread visible cannot be displayed as a modal dialog box..." (Ticket 149680)
2. Fix after duplicate sales and change Qty/Price/Discount encounter "Object reference not set to an instance of an object." in sub IcenterPromotion due to class POSPromotionManager is not initialized.
3. Fix duplicate sales did not trigger promotion calculation.
4. For option "Print in Dot Matrix Format (For Receipt Only)", skip printer property screen pop up.
5. [UI1.0] Fix login screen, numeric button minor alignment issue.
TouchPOS 2023.1 Build 0009 (Released on 30th Mar 2023)
1. Paysys, Fix void for new version terminal Paysys (03.06.09), to make void transaction work again.
- new void transaction require correct payment hostNo passed in.
2. Fix input small letter password on User Lock screen / access right Password screen, POS deny access even though password is valid. (Ticket 149324)
3. Fix on The License Text not Showing Full in UI2.0. (Ticket 149345)
4. Visible button [Get Last Trx INCard No] on INCard Customer screen after new member registration is success.
* previously need to re-open INCard Customer screen to reflect.
5. TouchPOS UI1.0 and UI2.0 Now Supported GKash Ewallet Payment
6. [UI2.0] Fix on Credit Sales's AutoClose Down Screen Showing Incorrect Info.(Ticket 149604)
7. [UI2.0] Fix on Close Counter , Force Cash Count showing Block Screen.
8. Support GKash Ewallet Payment Integration.
9. Extend [TotalQty] for AcCSM, AcCIM, AcCSMStaffMeal from decimal(18,2) to decimal(18,4). standardized as in detail table UomQty declaration.
10. Add prevention synchronize Credit Sales, filter records 30 seconds from current time to prevent record selection issue.
TouchPOS 2023.1 Build 0008 (Released on 24th Mar 2023)
1. Editing Time IN/Out will also update the SwapType Now.(Ticket 149045)
2. Smart POS Series Logo Inserted to some Pages.
3. Added Reward Title on Incard Voucher redeem List.(Ticket 149153)
4. Fix Document Number not show completely on top screen Bill Viewer. (Ticket 149226)
5. Support INCard "CardPinEn" checking whether to prompt Pin/Password input on the following transaction:
INCard Credit Redeem
INCard Point Redeem
INCard Stamp Redeem
INCard Voucher
INCard Point Redemption
6. Fix manual approval for Revenue RQ payment is not working after press button [OK]. (Ticket 149367)
7. Added checking whether there is Refund Qty being input before prompt confirmation message "Are You Sure to Save the Refund Bill?" for Refund by Item.
8. Paysys, Fix form overlapped PIN password form (frmPassword) when Paysys failed to pay and there is no user access right. - Fix issue #149282 and #149291
9. Show "Balance" or "Change" in second display accordingly. (Ticket 149276)
TouchPOS 2023.1 Build 0007 (Released on 07th Mar 2023)
1. Extend AcPersonalFingerPrint.Code to nvarchar(20) (Ticket 148935)
2. Added "Only Allow FingerPrint to Login" option at TimeAttendance. (Ticket 148372)
3. UI Switching - Added Switcher Handling
4. [UI2.0] Fix for Close Counter Cash Count will overlap Design Report screen. (Ticket 148952)
5. [UI2.0] Changing the ScanBarCode component to prevent the Half-Way scanned Barcode and trigger Item Lookup Screen. (Ticket 148425)
6. [UI1.0] Resend to Printer support detail selection to print. Cashier can choose which detail item to resend to printer for printing (utilize Kitchen.mrt format).
* for Mifare Theme Park module use.
7. Ipay88, add logging Void Transaction into Table [SysLogEWalletTrx]. To Trace user action.
8. Paysys, Fix Response Code may interpret wrongly in some situation. eg: "12" into "FE".
TouchPOS 2023.1 Build 0006 (Released on 24th Feb 2023)
1. Fix save Credit Sales encountered error due to Shipping Address exceeded 50 characters and cashier then choose to hold sales and causing consequences data issue (the original credit sales data was saved to table AcCSM and AcCSD with invoice prefix running number) (Ticket 148596)
2. Support new access right checking for Qty 1 to Qty 9 Button. (Ticket 148822)
* Client Socket 2023.1 Build 0001.
3. Fix during close counter print EOD report, CounterOpenTime value sometimes show '01/01/0001'.
Make sure CounterOpenTime and CounterCloseTime value in table [SysTerminalSetting] and [SysTerminalCounterHist] are the same. (Ticket 148807)
TouchPOS 2023.1 Build 0005 (Released on 15th Feb 2023)
1. Revenue Terminal Integration, added Bank setting. Different bank terminal requires different void sales parameter (D9-STAN or 65-InvoiceNo).
* default leave blank (use Trace No(STAN)).
2. Fix the issue of cursor on Scan Voucher screen, sometimes not focus on Voucher No text box.
3. Prompt error message once only in case there is connection issue on Customer Display.
4. Fix when close counter, show empty date on top of those report below.
- End Of Day (EOD) Report
- Daily Summary Report
- Daily Collection Report
- Refund Report
- Daily Detail Report
5. Fix cursor focus issue on input value text box on Stock Lookup screen. (Ticket 148441)
6. Enable Reprint Receipt button on Payment Summary info (auto close panel) on Payment screen. [UI2.0]
TouchPOS 2023.1 Build 0004 (Released on 08th Feb 2023)
1. Visible button [Get Last Trx INCard No] in INCard Customer screen after new INCard member registration is successful.
2. Added to show Mifare Card Info on second display screen in Mifare Theme Park module to convenient customer checking.
3. Reset login input and focus on the text box if login failed (Log In screen and User Lock screen). (Ticket 148440)
4. Stock Lookup screen, set cursor remain at text box if user press shortcut key [F10]. (Ticket 148441)
5. Paysys, Fix 148483, Fix bug: Sometimes form closing might cause InvalidOperationException. Might be because trying to access something that is dispose.
6. UI2.0 - Fix after perform INCard Prepaid Top Up, system prompt error message after back to main screen.
TouchPOS 2023.1 Build 0003 (Released on 18th Jan 2023)
1. Added column [ProgramParamValue] to indicate program version use on the terminal.
2. Paysys fixes
- handle ISO8583 ResponseCode receive from machine. #141168
- Paysys manual approve function, required permission (Manual Payment) to proceed.
3. Block cashier to save Cash Sales with Staff Meal payment type without staff authorization. (Ticket 141279)
TouchPOS 2023.1 Build 0002 (Released on 03rd Jan 2023)
1. Added In Indicator to show if License included POS - WebAPI.
2. Revenue Terminal integration enhancement. Fix POS will continue save the transaction even though detected Terminal returned previous transaction approval message. (Ticket 140801)
3. Fix Cash Sales detail did not store discount reason value if selected option [Whole Bill]. (Ticket 140666)
4. UI2.0 - Fixed on Enter key not working on Quantity Screen.
TouchPOS 2023.1 Build 0001 (Released on 28th Dec 2022)
1. Rectify button [Shoppe2go] and [Point Redemption] tooltip.
2. Fix on IncardVoucher Rounding with incorrect Amount. (Ticket 140566)
3. Added UI Switching For TouchPOS. [UI1.0 & UI2.0]
4. Added ShortCut Key for Order Info ("ALT + I").
5. Added SysModule 10259 INCard Transaction Count Limit.
6. INCard transaction count checking amendment.
- only check NetAmount>0 document.
- skip checking when perform refund.
Allow to proceed when exceeded transaction count limit if supervisor grant access right.
7. Log when cashier manual trigger open cash drawer even though cashier has access right.
8. Fix on Restore Function , where Scan item will show error if fail to Restore. (Ticket 140813)
9. UI2.0 Fix if same combo detail stock was set in different combo, POS will get incorrect combo detail stock selling price and quantity. (Ticket 140909)
TouchPOS 2023.1 Build 0000 (Released on 08th Dec 2022)
1. UI2.0 - Fix a scenario of user screen is in Fast Menu/Barcode Scanning screen, after completed modifier item flow selection, it will show Function screen. (Ticket 140557)
2. Added checking if POS failed to load data of Item Menu/User Access in certain scenario (eg sql server service is not ready). Fix POS will prompt error message "Invalid column [TranID]" (Ticket 140556)