TouchSeries API, 2021.1 BUILD 0005

- Set a file size limited on smartlog file. To prevent TouchSeries O2O create monstrous huge file which hang the system.
- nlog file now will roll for 5 files each consist of 10MB size.
- nlog now will ignore Ormlite throw error for now due to "System.FormatException" at "Single ParseSingle(System.String, System.Globalization.NumberStyles, System.Globalization.NumberFormatInfo)" method

- Add request null validation. (CreateCashSalesMService)
- Add API to query order status for Shoppe2GO orders.

- Add permission to get order status from API
- Fix APOSApiObject.AcPOSApiObjectModuleID one of the record not use MID as value.

- Add update null values in AcShoppe2GoOnlineOrder: ConsignmentNoteNo, ConsignmentNoteLink, TrackingLink
- Add delivery cost into unit test case for DirectCashSalesService

- RT pastry, huge request and logging cause Hang and slow computer. OrmLiteUtils are throwing the error non stop.