Updates As At 10-Dec-2021
DynaMod 2021.3 Build 0000 Hotfix 0012
DynaMod Process Manager 2021.3 Build 0012
DynaMod Client Socket 2021.3 Build 0012
1. Added SAP Inbound Tasks:
- CARING_IMPORT_ARTICLE_DELTA - Import Article Master (Delta)
- CARING_IMPORT_PROMOTION_DELTA - Import Promotion from SAP (Delta)
- Populate task and activate it in Caring SAP Integration Project screen.
- Configure the task at DynaMod Process Manager
- Article task handle of new files:
- *itemDeletedBarcode*.final
- *itemUOM*.final
Closed Issues:
1. Fixed DynaMod Client Socket sync INCard Stock Bonus Point Campaign error (when consists of exclusive list).
2. Fixed DynaMod Client Socket - Update stock task error.
Updates As At 03-Dec-2021
DynaMod 2021.3 Build 0000 Hotfix 0010
DynaMod Sever Socket 2021.3 Build 0010
DynaMod Process Manager 2021.3 Build 0010
DynaMod Client Socket 2021.3 Build 0010
DynaMod INCard Integration 2021.3 Build 0007
TouchPOS 2021.3 Build 0010
1. INCard Package added new fields: CardExpiryEnable, CardPinEnable, CardPinType, VoucherCardPin, MAPEnable
- Download from INCard via DynaMod INCard Integration Program
- Sync to POS via DynaMod Client Socket
2. Added SAP Inbound Tasks:
- CARING_UPLOAD_POS_SALES_QAS - Upload POS sales via Caring's web service (QAS version)
- CARING_UPLOAD_ESTORE_SALES_QAS - Upload Magento, Lazada, Shopee Sales via Caring's web service (QAS version)
- Populate task and activate it in Caring SAP Integration Project screen.
- Configure the task at DynaMod Process Manager
3. Handling the conversion of Article Code from SAP for Quantity on Hand outbound task.
- Taking last 8 characters from value provided (CAR Web Service, ArticleCode columns). Currently the web service returned long article (18 characters), whereby the actual should be last 8 characters of it.
- Been informed Caring MIS team and SAP, the current outbound they won't touch, instead they will add additional column later for returning the expected 8 characters article code.
4. SAP Sales Inbound - POS Sales data handling.
- Added a mapping screen (Common Module - System Utility - Caring SAP Integration - Setup SAP Sales Tender Type). Mapping shall be done for all payment codes to be used. Especially highlights
- Razer E-Wallet Channel classification mapping
- Paysys Card Types classification mapping
- Added Razer E-Wallet Channels screen (POS Management - Setup - POS Payment Type - Setup Razer E-Wallets Channel). Note: The records would be pre-loaded.
- Added Paysys Card Type screen (POS Management - Setup - POS Payment Type - Setup Paysys Card Type). Note: The records would be pre-loaded.
5. Razer Merchant Services - added products code for TouchNGo Card top up.
- RMS Category: TNG CARD
- RMS Group: Touch n Go Card
- RMS Product Code:
- TNGCARD010 ( TouchNGo RM 10 )
- TNGCARD020 ( TouchNGo RM 20 )
- TNGCARD050 ( TouchNGo RM 50 )
- TNGCARD100 ( TouchNGo RM 100 )
- TNGCARD200 ( TouchNGo RM 200 )
Closed Issues:
1. Fixed errors for INCard Stock Bonus Point Compaign when add or input record.
Updates As At 26-Nov-2021
DynaMod 2021.3 Build 0000 Hotfix 0009
DynaMod Sever Socket 2021.3 Build 0009
DynaMod Process Manager 2021.3 Build 0009
DynaMod Client Socket 2021.3 Build 0009
TouchPOS 2021.3 Build 0009
1. Added upload survey result back to DynaMod via Client Socket
2. Added get Sites Available Quantity from SAP Web Service (via DynaMod Process Manager)
3. Added tasks and project based in DynaMod for SAP Outbound and Inbound (File based or Web Service) Integration.
- 1. Common Module - 5. System Utility - 1. Caring SAP Integration - 2. Caring SAP Integration Task
- Support tasks below
- 1. Common Module - 5. System Utility - 1. Caring SAP Integration - 1. Caring SAP Integration Project
- Configure an integration project record and populate automated tasks accordingly.
4. DynaMod Process Manager added new tasks support for:
5. DynaMod Process Manager for Import Articles and Promotion outbound files now support task ran with logs
Updates As At 19-Nov-2021
DynaMod 2021.3 Build 0000 Hotfix 0008
DynaMod Sever Socket 2021.3 Build 0008
DynaMod Client Socket 2021.3 Build 0008
DynaMod INCard Integration 2021.3 Build 0008
TouchPOS 2021.3 Build 0008
1. Added INCard Stock Bonus Point Campaign Setup Screen.
- DynaMod Client Socket able to sync the settings to POS.
2. Magento e-Store Setup - Location added StoreLocationID column. Note: The Magento will returned the store ID whenever upload new store information. The store ID to be used in other API such as upload stores available quantity.
3. Added Magento e-Store Available Quantity and Quantity Buffer table.
4. Razer E-Wallet Store added column ServiceUrlProduction2.
- ServiceUrlSandbox: https://sandbox.merchant.razer.com/RMS/API/MOLOPAServiceUrlProduction: https://opa.merchant.razer.com/RMS/API/MOLOPA (for Payment,Pretransaction)ServiceUrlProduction2: https://api.merchant.razer.com/RMS/API/MOLOPA (for Inquiry,Reversal,Refund)
- DynaMod Client Socket able to sync the new column ServiceUrlProduction2
7. Customer/Member profile added E-Receipt Opt In flag:
- DynaMod INCard Integration download member process handled with new info (EmailVerify; EReceipt)
- DynaMod Client Socket able to sync E-Receipt Opt In flag to POS (AcCard)
8. POS simulation added promotion calculation for Z003 Volumn Discount, Z005 Mix And Match and Z006 Free Article.
9. SmartUpdater for Caring 2021.3 Build 0000
- Detect and update application new version in Caring environment
- Upgraded to .NET 4.6 and DevExpress v20.2
10. Added function upload current location to Magento store.
Updates As At 12-Nov-2021
DynaMod 2021.3 Build 0000 Hotfix 0007
DynaMod Sever Socket 2021.3 Build 0007
DynaMod Client Socket 2021.3 Build 0007
DynaMod Process Manager 2021.3 Build 0007
DynaMod INCard Integration 2021.3 Build 0007
TouchPOS 2021.3 Build 0007
1. SAP Articles New Files format (with New Fields)
- IsBlueOceanItem, IsOwnBrand, IsBigCutItem, StockPriceGlobal (GASP)
- Grouping Mapped:
- SubCategory mapped to AcStockCategoryID
- BrandID mapped to AcStockBrandID
- deptID mapped to AcStockGroupID
- ArticleType mapped to AcStockUDGroup1ID
2. Stock Maintenance Screen - Added IsGiftWithPurchaseItem to allow POS to handle GWP (Gift With Purchase) transaction.
3. Stock Location Screen - Added StockPosCost (MAP)
4. StockPriceGlobal, StockPosCost, IsGiftWithPurchaseItem is now able to sync to POS.
- AcStkAll.PriceGlobal
- AcStkAll.PosCost
- AcStkAll.IsGiftWithPurchaseItem
5. Magento e-Store - Download Category Function
6. Magento e-Store - Upload Locations Function
7. Auto Populate INCard Stamp Products in:
- DynaMod Process Manager - Sync Promotion
- DynaMod INCard Integration Program - Sync Stamp
Updates As At 07-Nov-2021
DynaMod 2021.3 Build 0000 Hotfix 0006
DynaMod Sever Socket 2021.3 Build 0006
DynaMod Client Socket 2021.3 Build 0006
TouchPOS 2021.3 Build 0006
1. Razer Merchant Services Add Display Button Image for Product Group
2. Razer Merchant Services Products sync to POS
3. Razer Invoicing Sites Registration Setup
4. Razer Invoicing Settings sync to POS
5. Added new Payment Type for Razer Invoicing
6. Razer E-Wallet add Merchant App Code and show out the Sandbox Mode setting
7. Survey Question Setup Screen
8. Survey Campaign Setup Screen
9. Magento e-Store - Store with Outlets and API Settings
10. Magento e-Store - Download Brand Function
11. Magento e-Store - Download States Function
Updates As At 29-Oct-2021
DynaMod 2021.3 Build 0000 Hotfix 0005
DynaMod Server Socket 2021.3 Build 0005
DynaMod Process Manager 2021.3 Build 0005
DynaMod Client Socket 2021.3 Build 0005
TouchPOS 2021.3 Build 00005
1. Able to import Promotion Files and Article Master
2. Able to test Promotion Z001 & Z002 using POS Simulation
3. Able to Setup Referral Group; Referral User Define Group; Referral Profile
4. Able to Set Razer Merchant Service Integration, RMS Products Activation; RMS Product Mapping
5. Referral Profile Sync to POS
6. Razer Merchant Services Integration Credentials Sync to POS