1. Added Handling of Incard Voucher with the VoucherCardPinEn Indicator from IncardAPI.
2. Fix Member Purchase History screen first time open (click on member number label on sales screen to open), purchase history grid does not reflect user saved layout. (Ticket 133280)
3. Added Customer Order Info in sales screen same as in TouchFNB.
4. Tool Tip Text (Ctrl + W) correction for button [Refresh] in Shoppe2Go screen.
5. Shoppe2Go refresh data will trigger auto update Order Status to [Completed] for INCard renewal transaction. (Ticket 133468)
6. On Save, 0 will be assign when no value key in to the QTY Column on the denomination list in Cash Count Interface.
7. Fix Shoppe2Go refund by item as INCard Prepaid Top Up completed, system will prompt error 'This row has been removed from a table and does not have any data...'. (Ticket 133101, 133352)
- Next error message: Can not access disposed object. Object name: 'frmPayment'
8. Update on SarawakPayAPI.dll.
9. Fixed FingerPrint for the TimeAttendance where Message prompt "You had Sign In/Out just now. Do you want to continue " on first Thumb Print Scanned.