TouchO2OSeries, 2021.1 0004
- Validation for CreateCashSalesMService, order_product
- Check for barcode is not empty
- Check for barcode exist in DB.
- Check for order_total's 'total' and 'sub_total' code is exist.
- Make const vlaue for 'total' and 'sub_total'
- Validation for CreateCashSalesMService, order_product must not be null
- Validation for order_product's barcode must present in database.
- StockRepo now can find by Barcode
- AlterTable, Add PrinterGroup to AcCSD (POS)
- StoreProc, add PrinterGroup when insert into AcCSD. Printer1 read from AcStkAll
- Add repo for AcCAT, but not used.
- AlterTable, change to add default value in script. sysSetting.Shoppe2GoVendor