1. Fix Error Prompt when click on Confirm Close Cash Count after Create New Cash Count.( Ticket 131003 )
2. Fix AcGroup 'Code' Field not Sync Correctly from Backend. (Ticket 131048)
3. Table [AcCIM], ShipAddress1, ShipAddress2, ShipAddress3, ShipAddress4 and other relevant columns length extended same as [AcCSM].
4. Fix AccsmPayment Primary Key Violation Due to Record SYNC when processing Transaction. ( Ticket 131117 )
5. Adjusted Label after payments ( Ticket 131177 )
6. Fix Main Page Receipt Number Not able to show Full. ( Ticket 131175 )
7. Shoppe2Go format amendment, show online order id instead.
8. Fix system prompt error message 'Incorrect syntax near 'XXX'. Unclosed quotation mark after the character string' during completing payment due to stock id contains single quote. (Ticket 131170)
9. Log more detail information when calculation error happened. (Ticket 131170)
10. Fix where Incard Point Redemption prompt error on Refund when Bill is a HoldSales Transaction. ( Ticket 131204 )