Search Panel Basics

To invoke the Search Panel, press the CTRL+F shortcut. When an end-user types within the search box, the grid automatically searches for that text in all columns and filter the view.


Search Syntax

If you type in two words, such as "new vendor", the grid considers them as individual conditions and selects records that contain either "new" or "vendor".


To find records that contain both, type "+" before the second word. Similarly, you can type "-" to exclude records that contain a specific word.


You can combine different operators. Use "+" and "-" to select records that contain both "new" and "vendor", excluding records that contain "history".


To search for a string that contains a space character, you need to enclose this string in quotation marks.


To search against a specific column, type the first letters of the column's display name plus a colon character. Now the grid displays records containing "new" in the Status column.


If you add another column-specific condition, the grid joins them using the AND logical operator and displays records that match both of them. The same happens when you join a column-specific condition with the one applied to all columns: the result will contain records that satisfy both criteria.


Click Clear to display all records.