From DynaMod 2020.3 Build 0000 onward, the report engine has been upgraded to version 2020.4.1

(This version of DynaMod required .NET Framework 4.5 to run) 

New Features 

  1. Export to PDF. The Printable property now works.
  2. DotMatrix print mode. The new EscapeCodesCollection "Esc/Pos".
  3. The new option StiOptions.Export.Pdf.AllowPrintable=true for the Printable property work in PDF files.
  4. Welcome Screen of the Designer.
  5. WinForms StyleEditor. The More Options button to show/hide advanced settings is added.
  6. The new check is added to the report checker which detects the wrong initialization value of a variable.
  7. The following methods are now supported in the Interpretation mode - ToLongTimeString, ToLongDateString, ToShortTimeString, ToShortDateString for DateTime.
  8. New functions - ToWordsAr and ToCurrencyWordsAr.
  9. The Round(x,y,MidpointRounding) property now works properly.
  10. Now sorting and grouping by Calculated column works.
  11. The new StiOptions.Print.BarcodeAsBitmap=false.
  12. Advanced DateTime formatting was added.
  13. New functions were added - StrToDateTime, StrToNullableDateTime and TryParseDateTime.
  14. The CreateNestedPage option was added to the Sub-Report component editor.
  15. Renaming page by double clicking on the tab page.
  16. Export to Excel. The new option - StiOptions.Export.Excel.ImageMoveAndSizeWithCells.
  17. The new option StiOptions.Engine.DisableAntialiasingInPainters.
  18. The CustomTextFormat now understands FormatString like "(###)###-####" for the string data type.
  19. Designer WinForms. Drag and drop of ALL types of resource files to the closed designer.
  20. Support for the Get Started window.
  21. A new item in the menu File -> Help, where you can find links to user manuals, videos, samples and other helpful resources.
  22. The ability to save an image from the image editor.
  23. for the Data band.
  24. Icons for Pictorial Series.
  25. The new class Stimulsoft.Report.Toolbox.StiToolboxSetup. Using it, you can configure the ToolBox status in designers from code.
  26. The Designer Scale Mode option is added to the designer options.
  27. The PivotTable conditions.
  28. New iif, choose and switch functions were added.
  29. Additional conditions for the string types were added.
  30. Export to PDF. Support forf ZUGFeRD v2.0.
  31. Now you may use icons for Image.
  32. New filter types in Data Transformation for string types - between, greater than, less than.
  33. Export to Excel. Now you can export the page color.
  34. The 'StiOptions.Designer.AllowAsyncDataCommands' option is added.
  35. The menu for selecting styles was redesigned. Now the entire list is displayed not as a long list, but as columns.
  36. Export to Excel. New properties StiOptions.Export.Excel.NumberOfPagesInWideToFit and StiOptions.Export.Excel.NumberOfPagesInHeightToFit.
  37. Support for inserting special characters in text editors.
  38. The Data band now has the Line property.
  39. Export to PDF. Textbox indicators are now exported as native primitives.
  40. Support for Surrogates and Supplementary Characters for TextQuality=Wysiwyg.
  41. A new editor of the Labels property is added.
  42. Some improvements with opening and closing editors in the designer.


  1. The Edit Relation form was redesigned.
  2. Several checks were added in the parser to reduce the number of exceptions in the Debug mode.
  3. Export to Excel. The ExportDataOnly property is replaced with the DataExportMode property (Bands Filter).
  4. Some improvements in the text formatting.
  5. Simple viewer window is used by the report designer for preview report via Shift + F5.
  6. StyleEditor. Improvements in drawing styles, so that they were all in the same style.
  7. Drag'n'drop of a report on Start Screen in the report designer.
  8. WinForms DesignerForm. Now when closing, the window state is remembered (Maximize or Normal), so that the next time you open it, it will restore the state.
  9. Some improvements in the text format function.
  10. Some improvements in the view data functionality.
  11. An Async version of the Print, Export, Render and Compile methods are available now.
  12. Async operations were added for drag&drop files to the dictionary.
  13. Async operations were added for a selecting data in the new data source form.
  14. Async operations were added for drag&drop files to the empty designer.
  15. Async operations were added for drag&drop files to the report page.
  16. Some improvements in working with resources and undo-redo stack.
  17. Async operations were added for the operation of creating a new database based on a specified resource.
  18. SpeedUp optimization in the process of deleting items in the dictionary.
  19. SpeedUp improvements in the working with undo-redo buffer and report resources.
  20. WinForms Designer. If the Stimulsoft.Wizard.Wpf assembly is not connected, it was impossible to create an empty dashboard in Ribbon-New.
  21. Async loading of reports from Stimulsoft Cloud.
  22. Async loading of recent reports.
  23. Adaptation for hi-dpi style buttons for components in the Ribbon panel.
  24. Some optimizations of the view data form.
  25. Engine. Optimizations of speed when using a large number of Totals functions by the group.
  26. Some fixes in RichText in Net4.7.
  27. Toolbox was redesigned. Now Chart, Map, Gauge are placed in a separate category.
  28. Images of the templates in the File - New menu.
  29. Completely redesigned the position of ToolBox in WinForms/WPF designers. Now you can separately disable each category, as well as adjust displaying of components.
  30. Small improvements in the variable editor.
  31. The CrossTab editor was redesigned.
  32. Some imrovements in Request from Users variables proccessing in the WinForms viewer.
  33. Stimulsoft Designer is adopted for hi-res scaling resolutions.
  34. We completely redesigned the style selection menu in Ribbon. Now styles are displayed in several columns for easy viewing.
  35. Designer WinForms. The vertical/horizontal scrollbar was too light and merged with the main color.
  36. Key-Columns sorting is added in the Relation Editor.
  37. Small CrossTab editor improvements.
  38. Engine. Optimizing RichText for speed.
  39. Export to Excel. Correction of proportions of sizes.
  40. Export to PDF. Minor corrections of text baseline.
  41. The buttons on the right side of the Ribbon UI are aligned under different scales of operating systems.
  42. Some improvements with the position of the Checker window.
  43. The StiShape editor was improved, now it supports the Direction property.
  44. Disabled pages will be displayed with grey color in the designer.
  45. Export to PDF. Speed optimizations for multi-threading.
  46. Async loading images from a URL at the design time in the report designer.
  47. A visibility of the Labels.Conditions is changed to true.
  48. Some improvements for the Request from user varaible of datetime format during editing.
  49. Some improvements of the report parameters showing in the viewer.
  50. The amount of drill-down parameters was increased up to 10.
  51. Improvements regarding working with DataSource, DataRelation and MasterComponent properties in the property panel.

Fixed Bugs:

  1. A problem is when the Standalone report is published in the interpretation mode.
  2. The StiOptions.Engine.ForceInterpretationMode property did not work for Sub-reports.
  3. Returned the function in the designer to save reports as dll.
  4. Cross-tab - looping.
  5. Cross-tab Header on the second page.
  6. The error occured when calling again the Design() method in StiReport.
  7. The exception occurred when exporting the RichText component with incorrect content to some formats.
  8. Cross-tab, alignment by width.
  9. Selecting a column from the data source in the bar-code editor.
  10. The viewer was blinking when saving a report to mdc.
  11. Correct values for DateTime variables depending on the report culture.
  12. Cross-tab total field.
  13. Some images in the RichText component were not processed correctly.
  14. Export to PDF. Export settings did not affect svg render resolution.
  15. Export to PDF. Incorrect text output when the WinFormsHighAccuracyWordWrap option is enabled.
  16. In Number, Currency, and Percent TextFormats, the Decimal Digits property was not correctly loaded on some systems.
  17. The ShiftMode property for objects placed directly on the page did not work.
  18. EngineV1. Exception occurred when compiling the report, if there is a datasource with the name 'States'.
  19. Catching of some errors when libexcel.dll was not found.
  20. Export to PDF. Clipping is no longer the the entire component but considering margins.
  21. The DataBand.Columns property. Alignment of rows by height did not work with DownThenAcross.
  22. When rendering, the content of the sub-report was incorrectly cropped along the right margin.
  23. Export to PDF. The exception with the editable checkbox occurred, if editing was not allowed in export settings.
  24. The exception occurred when changing the text size longer than 32kb.
  25. Sometimes page borders could disappear when viewing a report in the Continuous mode.
  26. DataMatrix barcode. The ProcessTilde property now works properly.
  27. EngineV2. When the PrintOnAllPages property was enabled for the sub-report header, then only the very first instance of the header was repeated on every page.
  28. WinForms, WPF. Updated New Relation editor.
  29. The error occured while editing a page from the designer preview then close the second designer and go back to the Preview.
  30. Relation Editor. Removed an error about incorrectly selected columns before clicking the OK button.
  31. Cross-Tab. A problem with the width of the columns when specifying MaxWidth and MinWidth.
  32. When the report was cloned, the IsModified property was reset for it.
  33. Some issues with the customers' accounts.
  34. The buttons for creating Relationships were locked, if the dictionary was empty.
  35. Redesigned algorithm of saving/loading the window position. Now there is no problem withdisplaying of the window when the monitor is switched off.
  36. Relation Editor for WinForms, Wpf. The order of selecting columns for creating links was not considered.
  37. WinForms. The problem with rendering a report with dialog forms in a separate stream.
  38. Rendering was looped when using the PrintAtBottom property in an external sub-report.
  39. Export to PDF. Some images in the RichText were incorrectly exported.
  40. The parser now correctly identifies the @-quoted strings and double quotes inside the string.
  41. CrossTab. A problem with hiding row/column in full.
  42. Some double parsing corrections.
  43. WinForms Designer. In some cases, in a modified report, when you click on the Preview tab and close the designer, you did not receive a popup to save the report.
  44. WinForms Designer. Errors could occur when using StiRibbonDesignerControl on its form and customizing the Ribbon panel.
  45. Frozing of the Main Menu in the Designer after switching.
  46. The problem with the Shift-F5 shortkey in the designer when a report was closed.
  47. A problem with aligning wizards windows by center at startup.
  48. The error occured when editing a font in barcodes.
  49. Main Menu. Hang up occured on some items when you click the mouse with offset.
  50. EngineV2. The state of the Enabled property of the page is not restored after Condition is applied.
  51. When increasing the font size of the barcode text was cut.
  52. EngineV2. Looping the band nested in containers with the CanShrink property enabled.
  53. When interpreting in filters in the "Data is Expression" mode, the conditions "contains" / "begin with" did not work.
  54. Page columns did not work correctly when the UnlimitedHeight option was enabled.
  55. EngineV1. Looping with nesting bands and the nested band size of bigger than one page.
  56. Text rendering in the Wysiwyg mode could cause errors in multithreading.
  57. The ProcessAt=EndOfReport property did not work in the cache mode.
  58. Crosstab totals subheader.
  59. The Size and ShadowSize properties of the StiBorder class could not be set to 0 from the Property panel.
  60. Data Source from Cross-tab columns type.
  61. CrossTab rendering with columns only.
  62. Report resources available in the document were not taken into account when exporting to PDF.
  63. When compiling a report, Alias was lost for resources.
  64. Issues with running the report designer from the component menu of the StiReport component.
  65. Tools disappeared from the Insert tab when going back from the Preview to the designer page.
  66. The pop up to save the report after applying the change from the Page tab.
  67. Setting displaying the viewer through Preview Settings.
  68. Issues with Interative Sorting.
  69. Report compilation error when using the ReportImage property.
  70. In some cases, StiPrinterSetting was incorrectly serialized.
  71. StiCompilationErrorCheck sometimes pointed to the wrong component.
  72. EngineV2. The exception occurred, if CacheMode=On and PageNumber was used in expressions.
  73. Drawing Watermark. Now Alignment works, if Stretch=true and AspectRatio=true.
  74. Export to PDF. Improved support for custom fonts when the mode FullTrust=false.
  75. Incorrect export of images if the system has a scale greater than 100%.
  76. The events in the Report Tree when you select an item in it disappeared.
  77. Summary totals were not appearing on every page, just as the header.
  78. Engine. In some cases, the value of some expressions containing aggregate functions was not calculated.
  79. Incorrect calculation of the text height in the barcode, if the font size was not specified in points.
  80. Export to Word/Excel/HTML. Sometimes, when using primitives, empty cells appeared in the right part of the document.
  81. BorderEditor. The form was cut, if you switch between the Advanced and Simple tabs.
  82. Export to Excel. The file was broken, if the name of the sheet contained more than 30 characters.
  83. LineScaling of text was reset to 1, if the text was broken into parts.
  84. Export to PDF. TextAngle in the Wysiwyg mode did not work.
  85. EngineV2. The CanBreak property in the interpretation mode sometimes worked incorrectly.
  86. Some issues with loading reports from the old version.
  87. Export to Excel. TextFormat.Abbreviation now works properly.
  88. Export to Excel. The apostrophe in the name of the sheet is invalid.
  89. For TextAngle=360, text alignment was applied incorrectly.
  90. Export to Excel. TextAngle was not exported correctly.
  91. Export to Excel. Text alignment was applied incorrectly, if TextAngle is set to a value other than zero.
  92. Designer WinForms. Drag and drop of ALL types of resource files to the report page.
  93. Incorrect version of the Framework when publishing in WinForms.
  94. CrossTab headers parser.
  95. CrossTab. UnlimitedBreakable rendering on DataBand.
  96. Analyze-cache should be cleaned when the Submit button is clicked.
  97. Designer WinForms. In some cases, when opening the designer, the window sizes could be set incorrectly and the window was very small.
  98. The Login window. Fixed problem of incorrect positioning of the popup window.
  99. StiViewerControl.There was a very long preparation of the report with a large number of pages before displaying it.
  100. Export to PDF. When the RichText as image property was enabled, the transparent background did not work.
  101. CrossTab rendering KeepCrossTabTogether & ParentContainer.CanBreak=false.
  102. The catching of the incorrect storing type and wrong data row processing.
  103. Some RichText files with images were not displayed.
  104. Incorect working with 'code tab visible' property in the designer.
  105. Some issues with HIDPI in the WinForms report viewer.
  106. EngineV2. TextHorAlignment was not restored after Condition.
  107. Export to Excel. In some cases, there were problems when using BandFilter.
  108. The compilation error occurred, if DataSource.Name started with Parent and there was a Relation with the same name.
  109. EngineV2. PageNumbers in SubReports collection did not work in the Interpretation mode.
  110. Engine, Anchors in the SubReports collection.
  111. When a report was closed in the designer, all elements in ReportTree were cleared.
  112. When drag'and'drop Image/Text/RTF to the page, they were added as a resource to the dictionary and not a component to the page
  113. A bug with saving the report designer window in a normal state.
  114. The error occured when rounding text width when using the AutoWidth property.
  115. EngineV2. Data band with CountData did not work as detail band for the master with BusinessObject.
  116. Issues with multipage texts, its alignment, and export to some formats.
  117. LineSpacing caused wrong breaking of text components.
  118. An empty line at the end of RichText if FullConvertExpression property set to true.
  119. Issue with page breaking of long text with columns on the Data band.
  120. Optimizing of the File - New menu.
  121. Changed MinimumSize Ribbon Designer.
  122. Hotkeys stopped working.
  123. Some troubles with saving position of the Designer.
  124. Some issues with the report preview in the StiRibbonDesignerControl.
  125. Some problems with saving and loading StiViewerControl settings.
  126. A bug with showing a report rendering progress in the report designer in a HiDPI environment.
  127. Export to PDF. Rotated images were not exported correctly in ResolutionMode=Auto mode.
  128. The MaxNumberOfLines property of Text incorrectly worked in HiDPI.
  129. Export to Excel. When exporting a certain combination of HTML tags, it resulted in a corrupted file.
  130. Engine. Rendering a long RichText on Win7 could cause an exception.
  131. Interactive sorting might not work correctly if the column type in the dictionary was different from the type in the database.
  132. Some issues with position of the report checker in some situations.
  133. An exception when compiling a report if ReportLanguage=VB and the logical operators "and", "or" are used in the arguments of aggregate functions.
  134. A stackoverflow bug with some reports.
  135. WinForms Viewer did not display page numbers correctly when switching between them, if the viewer opens in a separate window.
  136. The Close button in StiWindow did not display correctly, if the Scale of the system was 125,150,175,225,250,275... etc.
  137. HiDPI painting improvements.
  138. Optimization of memory cleaning in the Ribbon WinForms designer.
  139. Some optimizations of clearing memory in StyleEditor of the WinForms designer.
  140. Export to Excel. In some cases, due to GroupSeparator, numbers were passed as strings.
  141. Conditions for Sub-Report now work properly.
  142. All editors of components always appeared only on the main monitor, even if the designer was open on another.
  143. ToolBox. The order of displaying components has been improved.
  144. Now the InvokeExports event is called less often, in some cases it could be very slow.
  145. Engine. The exception occurred in RichText in multi-threading.
  146. Some issues with the text component editor.
  147. Some issues with the Cross-tab editor and dragging columns.
  148. A problem with an unhandled error in exporting to TXT on some reports.
  149. The error occurred with not assigned DateTime variable.
  150. Some issues with null values in report variables.
  151. Some issues with the text format menu in the designer.
  152. An issue with submitting parameters with a datetime type in the WinForms viewer.
  153. Small issue with drawing the title switcher in the designer.
  154. An incorrect saving of the Show Code Tab property of the designer.
  155. Some improvements regarding saving to the undo-redo buffer after drag-drop operations.
  156. When compiling a report, char escaping in string is now correctly processed.
  157. The problem when opening some wizards.
  158. A bug that occurs when checking an incorrect expression in a text editor.
  159. When changing one value of the Margins property (for example Left) in StiText, this Margin was applied to all StiText in the report.
  160. A bug occurred when accessing RibbonToolbox from old themes.
  161. The issue with the correct clearing of the rendered page.
  162. A problem with locking files during export, if an error occurs.
  163. Some issues with the Embed All Data function when data was not available.
  164. Some issues with a custom formatting of TimeSpan values were fixed.
  165. Resedigned window - StiDatabaseNewSelectForm.
  166. The problem with the Welcome screen in the designer was fixed if the theme was not loaded.
  167. WinForms desiger. Improvements for icons of the scale 125/175.
  168. Completely redesigned window for creating data sources.
  169. The problem with blocking files when exporting a report from the viewer failed.
  170. The issue with resizing incorrect horizontal line when changing Report Units.
  171. A problem with closing modal windows, which led to the activation of any open window in the system.
  172. The viewer crashed when you double-click on Collapsing. .
  173. Viewer. The Sort icon disappeared after the first click on it.
  174. Some issues with custom scalling in the designer.
  175. Export to CSV, CrLf in headers now work correctly.
  176. Some issues with the placement wizard.
  177. Designer. The page count (the entire status panel below) was not updated after loading the file in the preview panel.
  178. Engine. A bug with text measuring for TextQuality=Wysiwyg and Angle=180degrees.
  179. Compilation error if the same interactive sorting was set for two fields.
  180. Export to PDF. Custom properties must not be exported in the PDF/A mode.
  181. Engine. When using the Autowidth property for rotated text, the sizes could go beyond the boundaries of the container.
  182. Export to PDF. When using gradient/glare brushes, the size of the PDF file was greatly increased.
  183. Export to Excel97. All sheets were selected.
  184. Engine. RichText in multithreading was rendered with errors.
  185. When you disabled/enabled the Designer Toolbox, the buttons could not be displayed correctly.
  186. In some reports interactive sorting did not trigger.
  187. The issue with clearing data relation collection.
  188. In the mode TextQuality=Wysiwyg the "font-fallback" now works.
  189. The Expression Checker in some cases icorrectly processed Aliases.
  190. Engine. Possible looping if DataSource parameters contain expressions.
  191. Import to Excel. In some cases, numeric values were not recognized correctly.
  192. Export to PDF. The file appeared to be broken if the line had zero tickness.
  193. Exports. TextOptions.LineLimit now work properly.
  194. Export to PDF. Some issues with EmbeddedFiles.
  195. Export to PDF. A problem with the SVG image quality in Watermark.
  196. Export to Excel. The tab character could corrupt the file.
  197. Export to Excel. Issues with groupDigits if the HideZeros was enabled.