From DynaMod 2020.3 Build 0000 onward, the report engine has been upgraded to version 2020.4.1
(This version of DynaMod required .NET Framework 4.5 to run)
New Features
- Export to PDF. The Printable property now works.
- DotMatrix print mode. The new EscapeCodesCollection "Esc/Pos".
- The new option StiOptions.Export.Pdf.AllowPrintable=true for the Printable property work in PDF files.
- Welcome Screen of the Designer.
- WinForms StyleEditor. The More Options button to show/hide advanced settings is added.
- The new check is added to the report checker which detects the wrong initialization value of a variable.
- The following methods are now supported in the Interpretation mode - ToLongTimeString, ToLongDateString, ToShortTimeString, ToShortDateString for DateTime.
- New functions - ToWordsAr and ToCurrencyWordsAr.
- The Round(x,y,MidpointRounding) property now works properly.
- Now sorting and grouping by Calculated column works.
- The new StiOptions.Print.BarcodeAsBitmap=false.
- Advanced DateTime formatting was added.
- New functions were added - StrToDateTime, StrToNullableDateTime and TryParseDateTime.
- The CreateNestedPage option was added to the Sub-Report component editor.
- Renaming page by double clicking on the tab page.
- Export to Excel. The new option - StiOptions.Export.Excel.ImageMoveAndSizeWithCells.
- The new option StiOptions.Engine.DisableAntialiasingInPainters.
- The CustomTextFormat now understands FormatString like "(###)###-####" for the string data type.
- Designer WinForms. Drag and drop of ALL types of resource files to the closed designer.
- Support for the Get Started window.
- A new item in the menu File -> Help, where you can find links to user manuals, videos, samples and other helpful resources.
- The ability to save an image from the image editor.
- for the Data band.
- Icons for Pictorial Series.
- The new class Stimulsoft.Report.Toolbox.StiToolboxSetup. Using it, you can configure the ToolBox status in designers from code.
- The Designer Scale Mode option is added to the designer options.
- The PivotTable conditions.
- New iif, choose and switch functions were added.
- Additional conditions for the string types were added.
- Export to PDF. Support forf ZUGFeRD v2.0.
- Now you may use icons for Image.
- New filter types in Data Transformation for string types - between, greater than, less than.
- Export to Excel. Now you can export the page color.
- The 'StiOptions.Designer.AllowAsyncDataCommands' option is added.
- The menu for selecting styles was redesigned. Now the entire list is displayed not as a long list, but as columns.
- Export to Excel. New properties StiOptions.Export.Excel.NumberOfPagesInWideToFit and StiOptions.Export.Excel.NumberOfPagesInHeightToFit.
- Support for inserting special characters in text editors.
- The Data band now has the Line property.
- Export to PDF. Textbox indicators are now exported as native primitives.
- Support for Surrogates and Supplementary Characters for TextQuality=Wysiwyg.
- A new editor of the Labels property is added.
- Some improvements with opening and closing editors in the designer.
- The Edit Relation form was redesigned.
- Several checks were added in the parser to reduce the number of exceptions in the Debug mode.
- Export to Excel. The ExportDataOnly property is replaced with the DataExportMode property (Bands Filter).
- Some improvements in the text formatting.
- Simple viewer window is used by the report designer for preview report via Shift + F5.
- StyleEditor. Improvements in drawing styles, so that they were all in the same style.
- Drag'n'drop of a report on Start Screen in the report designer.
- WinForms DesignerForm. Now when closing, the window state is remembered (Maximize or Normal), so that the next time you open it, it will restore the state.
- Some improvements in the text format function.
- Some improvements in the view data functionality.
- An Async version of the Print, Export, Render and Compile methods are available now.
- Async operations were added for drag&drop files to the dictionary.
- Async operations were added for a selecting data in the new data source form.
- Async operations were added for drag&drop files to the empty designer.
- Async operations were added for drag&drop files to the report page.
- Some improvements in working with resources and undo-redo stack.
- Async operations were added for the operation of creating a new database based on a specified resource.
- SpeedUp optimization in the process of deleting items in the dictionary.
- SpeedUp improvements in the working with undo-redo buffer and report resources.
- WinForms Designer. If the Stimulsoft.Wizard.Wpf assembly is not connected, it was impossible to create an empty dashboard in Ribbon-New.
- Async loading of reports from Stimulsoft Cloud.
- Async loading of recent reports.
- Adaptation for hi-dpi style buttons for components in the Ribbon panel.
- Some optimizations of the view data form.
- Engine. Optimizations of speed when using a large number of Totals functions by the group.
- Some fixes in RichText in Net4.7.
- Toolbox was redesigned. Now Chart, Map, Gauge are placed in a separate category.
- Images of the templates in the File - New menu.
- Completely redesigned the position of ToolBox in WinForms/WPF designers. Now you can separately disable each category, as well as adjust displaying of components.
- Small improvements in the variable editor.
- The CrossTab editor was redesigned.
- Some imrovements in Request from Users variables proccessing in the WinForms viewer.
- Stimulsoft Designer is adopted for hi-res scaling resolutions.
- We completely redesigned the style selection menu in Ribbon. Now styles are displayed in several columns for easy viewing.
- Designer WinForms. The vertical/horizontal scrollbar was too light and merged with the main color.
- Key-Columns sorting is added in the Relation Editor.
- Small CrossTab editor improvements.
- Engine. Optimizing RichText for speed.
- Export to Excel. Correction of proportions of sizes.
- Export to PDF. Minor corrections of text baseline.
- The buttons on the right side of the Ribbon UI are aligned under different scales of operating systems.
- Some improvements with the position of the Checker window.
- The StiShape editor was improved, now it supports the Direction property.
- Disabled pages will be displayed with grey color in the designer.
- Export to PDF. Speed optimizations for multi-threading.
- Async loading images from a URL at the design time in the report designer.
- A visibility of the Labels.Conditions is changed to true.
- Some improvements for the Request from user varaible of datetime format during editing.
- Some improvements of the report parameters showing in the viewer.
- The amount of drill-down parameters was increased up to 10.
- Improvements regarding working with DataSource, DataRelation and MasterComponent properties in the property panel.
Fixed Bugs:
- A problem is when the Standalone report is published in the interpretation mode.
- The StiOptions.Engine.ForceInterpretationMode property did not work for Sub-reports.
- Returned the function in the designer to save reports as dll.
- Cross-tab - looping.
- Cross-tab Header on the second page.
- The error occured when calling again the Design() method in StiReport.
- The exception occurred when exporting the RichText component with incorrect content to some formats.
- Cross-tab, alignment by width.
- Selecting a column from the data source in the bar-code editor.
- The viewer was blinking when saving a report to mdc.
- Correct values for DateTime variables depending on the report culture.
- Cross-tab total field.
- Some images in the RichText component were not processed correctly.
- Export to PDF. Export settings did not affect svg render resolution.
- Export to PDF. Incorrect text output when the WinFormsHighAccuracyWordWrap option is enabled.
- In Number, Currency, and Percent TextFormats, the Decimal Digits property was not correctly loaded on some systems.
- The ShiftMode property for objects placed directly on the page did not work.
- EngineV1. Exception occurred when compiling the report, if there is a datasource with the name 'States'.
- Catching of some errors when libexcel.dll was not found.
- Export to PDF. Clipping is no longer the the entire component but considering margins.
- The DataBand.Columns property. Alignment of rows by height did not work with DownThenAcross.
- When rendering, the content of the sub-report was incorrectly cropped along the right margin.
- Export to PDF. The exception with the editable checkbox occurred, if editing was not allowed in export settings.
- The exception occurred when changing the text size longer than 32kb.
- Sometimes page borders could disappear when viewing a report in the Continuous mode.
- DataMatrix barcode. The ProcessTilde property now works properly.
- EngineV2. When the PrintOnAllPages property was enabled for the sub-report header, then only the very first instance of the header was repeated on every page.
- WinForms, WPF. Updated New Relation editor.
- The error occured while editing a page from the designer preview then close the second designer and go back to the Preview.
- Relation Editor. Removed an error about incorrectly selected columns before clicking the OK button.
- Cross-Tab. A problem with the width of the columns when specifying MaxWidth and MinWidth.
- When the report was cloned, the IsModified property was reset for it.
- Some issues with the customers' accounts.
- The buttons for creating Relationships were locked, if the dictionary was empty.
- Redesigned algorithm of saving/loading the window position. Now there is no problem withdisplaying of the window when the monitor is switched off.
- Relation Editor for WinForms, Wpf. The order of selecting columns for creating links was not considered.
- WinForms. The problem with rendering a report with dialog forms in a separate stream.
- Rendering was looped when using the PrintAtBottom property in an external sub-report.
- Export to PDF. Some images in the RichText were incorrectly exported.
- The parser now correctly identifies the @-quoted strings and double quotes inside the string.
- CrossTab. A problem with hiding row/column in full.
- Some double parsing corrections.
- WinForms Designer. In some cases, in a modified report, when you click on the Preview tab and close the designer, you did not receive a popup to save the report.
- WinForms Designer. Errors could occur when using StiRibbonDesignerControl on its form and customizing the Ribbon panel.
- Frozing of the Main Menu in the Designer after switching.
- The problem with the Shift-F5 shortkey in the designer when a report was closed.
- A problem with aligning wizards windows by center at startup.
- The error occured when editing a font in barcodes.
- Main Menu. Hang up occured on some items when you click the mouse with offset.
- EngineV2. The state of the Enabled property of the page is not restored after Condition is applied.
- When increasing the font size of the barcode text was cut.
- EngineV2. Looping the band nested in containers with the CanShrink property enabled.
- When interpreting in filters in the "Data is Expression" mode, the conditions "contains" / "begin with" did not work.
- Page columns did not work correctly when the UnlimitedHeight option was enabled.
- EngineV1. Looping with nesting bands and the nested band size of bigger than one page.
- Text rendering in the Wysiwyg mode could cause errors in multithreading.
- The ProcessAt=EndOfReport property did not work in the cache mode.
- Crosstab totals subheader.
- The Size and ShadowSize properties of the StiBorder class could not be set to 0 from the Property panel.
- Data Source from Cross-tab columns type.
- CrossTab rendering with columns only.
- Report resources available in the document were not taken into account when exporting to PDF.
- When compiling a report, Alias was lost for resources.
- Issues with running the report designer from the component menu of the StiReport component.
- Tools disappeared from the Insert tab when going back from the Preview to the designer page.
- The pop up to save the report after applying the change from the Page tab.
- Setting displaying the viewer through Preview Settings.
- Issues with Interative Sorting.
- Report compilation error when using the ReportImage property.
- In some cases, StiPrinterSetting was incorrectly serialized.
- StiCompilationErrorCheck sometimes pointed to the wrong component.
- EngineV2. The exception occurred, if CacheMode=On and PageNumber was used in expressions.
- Drawing Watermark. Now Alignment works, if Stretch=true and AspectRatio=true.
- Export to PDF. Improved support for custom fonts when the mode FullTrust=false.
- Incorrect export of images if the system has a scale greater than 100%.
- The events in the Report Tree when you select an item in it disappeared.
- Summary totals were not appearing on every page, just as the header.
- Engine. In some cases, the value of some expressions containing aggregate functions was not calculated.
- Incorrect calculation of the text height in the barcode, if the font size was not specified in points.
- Export to Word/Excel/HTML. Sometimes, when using primitives, empty cells appeared in the right part of the document.
- BorderEditor. The form was cut, if you switch between the Advanced and Simple tabs.
- Export to Excel. The file was broken, if the name of the sheet contained more than 30 characters.
- LineScaling of text was reset to 1, if the text was broken into parts.
- Export to PDF. TextAngle in the Wysiwyg mode did not work.
- EngineV2. The CanBreak property in the interpretation mode sometimes worked incorrectly.
- Some issues with loading reports from the old version.
- Export to Excel. TextFormat.Abbreviation now works properly.
- Export to Excel. The apostrophe in the name of the sheet is invalid.
- For TextAngle=360, text alignment was applied incorrectly.
- Export to Excel. TextAngle was not exported correctly.
- Export to Excel. Text alignment was applied incorrectly, if TextAngle is set to a value other than zero.
- Designer WinForms. Drag and drop of ALL types of resource files to the report page.
- Incorrect version of the Framework when publishing in WinForms.
- CrossTab headers parser.
- CrossTab. UnlimitedBreakable rendering on DataBand.
- Analyze-cache should be cleaned when the Submit button is clicked.
- Designer WinForms. In some cases, when opening the designer, the window sizes could be set incorrectly and the window was very small.
- The Login window. Fixed problem of incorrect positioning of the popup window.
- StiViewerControl.There was a very long preparation of the report with a large number of pages before displaying it.
- Export to PDF. When the RichText as image property was enabled, the transparent background did not work.
- CrossTab rendering KeepCrossTabTogether & ParentContainer.CanBreak=false.
- The catching of the incorrect storing type and wrong data row processing.
- Some RichText files with images were not displayed.
- Incorect working with 'code tab visible' property in the designer.
- Some issues with HIDPI in the WinForms report viewer.
- EngineV2. TextHorAlignment was not restored after Condition.
- Export to Excel. In some cases, there were problems when using BandFilter.
- The compilation error occurred, if DataSource.Name started with Parent and there was a Relation with the same name.
- EngineV2. PageNumbers in SubReports collection did not work in the Interpretation mode.
- Engine, Anchors in the SubReports collection.
- When a report was closed in the designer, all elements in ReportTree were cleared.
- When drag'and'drop Image/Text/RTF to the page, they were added as a resource to the dictionary and not a component to the page
- A bug with saving the report designer window in a normal state.
- The error occured when rounding text width when using the AutoWidth property.
- EngineV2. Data band with CountData did not work as detail band for the master with BusinessObject.
- Issues with multipage texts, its alignment, and export to some formats.
- LineSpacing caused wrong breaking of text components.
- An empty line at the end of RichText if FullConvertExpression property set to true.
- Issue with page breaking of long text with columns on the Data band.
- Optimizing of the File - New menu.
- Changed MinimumSize Ribbon Designer.
- Hotkeys stopped working.
- Some troubles with saving position of the Designer.
- Some issues with the report preview in the StiRibbonDesignerControl.
- Some problems with saving and loading StiViewerControl settings.
- A bug with showing a report rendering progress in the report designer in a HiDPI environment.
- Export to PDF. Rotated images were not exported correctly in ResolutionMode=Auto mode.
- The MaxNumberOfLines property of Text incorrectly worked in HiDPI.
- Export to Excel. When exporting a certain combination of HTML tags, it resulted in a corrupted file.
- Engine. Rendering a long RichText on Win7 could cause an exception.
- Interactive sorting might not work correctly if the column type in the dictionary was different from the type in the database.
- Some issues with position of the report checker in some situations.
- An exception when compiling a report if ReportLanguage=VB and the logical operators "and", "or" are used in the arguments of aggregate functions.
- A stackoverflow bug with some reports.
- WinForms Viewer did not display page numbers correctly when switching between them, if the viewer opens in a separate window.
- The Close button in StiWindow did not display correctly, if the Scale of the system was 125,150,175,225,250,275... etc.
- HiDPI painting improvements.
- Optimization of memory cleaning in the Ribbon WinForms designer.
- Some optimizations of clearing memory in StyleEditor of the WinForms designer.
- Export to Excel. In some cases, due to GroupSeparator, numbers were passed as strings.
- Conditions for Sub-Report now work properly.
- All editors of components always appeared only on the main monitor, even if the designer was open on another.
- ToolBox. The order of displaying components has been improved.
- Now the InvokeExports event is called less often, in some cases it could be very slow.
- Engine. The exception occurred in RichText in multi-threading.
- Some issues with the text component editor.
- Some issues with the Cross-tab editor and dragging columns.
- A problem with an unhandled error in exporting to TXT on some reports.
- The error occurred with not assigned DateTime variable.
- Some issues with null values in report variables.
- Some issues with the text format menu in the designer.
- An issue with submitting parameters with a datetime type in the WinForms viewer.
- Small issue with drawing the title switcher in the designer.
- An incorrect saving of the Show Code Tab property of the designer.
- Some improvements regarding saving to the undo-redo buffer after drag-drop operations.
- When compiling a report, char escaping in string is now correctly processed.
- The problem when opening some wizards.
- A bug that occurs when checking an incorrect expression in a text editor.
- When changing one value of the Margins property (for example Left) in StiText, this Margin was applied to all StiText in the report.
- A bug occurred when accessing RibbonToolbox from old themes.
- The issue with the correct clearing of the rendered page.
- A problem with locking files during export, if an error occurs.
- Some issues with the Embed All Data function when data was not available.
- Some issues with a custom formatting of TimeSpan values were fixed.
- Resedigned window - StiDatabaseNewSelectForm.
- The problem with the Welcome screen in the designer was fixed if the theme was not loaded.
- WinForms desiger. Improvements for icons of the scale 125/175.
- Completely redesigned window for creating data sources.
- The problem with blocking files when exporting a report from the viewer failed.
- The issue with resizing incorrect horizontal line when changing Report Units.
- A problem with closing modal windows, which led to the activation of any open window in the system.
- The viewer crashed when you double-click on Collapsing. .
- Viewer. The Sort icon disappeared after the first click on it.
- Some issues with custom scalling in the designer.
- Export to CSV, CrLf in headers now work correctly.
- Some issues with the placement wizard.
- Designer. The page count (the entire status panel below) was not updated after loading the file in the preview panel.
- Engine. A bug with text measuring for TextQuality=Wysiwyg and Angle=180degrees.
- Compilation error if the same interactive sorting was set for two fields.
- Export to PDF. Custom properties must not be exported in the PDF/A mode.
- Engine. When using the Autowidth property for rotated text, the sizes could go beyond the boundaries of the container.
- Export to PDF. When using gradient/glare brushes, the size of the PDF file was greatly increased.
- Export to Excel97. All sheets were selected.
- Engine. RichText in multithreading was rendered with errors.
- When you disabled/enabled the Designer Toolbox, the buttons could not be displayed correctly.
- In some reports interactive sorting did not trigger.
- The issue with clearing data relation collection.
- In the mode TextQuality=Wysiwyg the "font-fallback" now works.
- The Expression Checker in some cases icorrectly processed Aliases.
- Engine. Possible looping if DataSource parameters contain expressions.
- Import to Excel. In some cases, numeric values were not recognized correctly.
- Export to PDF. The file appeared to be broken if the line had zero tickness.
- Exports. TextOptions.LineLimit now work properly.
- Export to PDF. Some issues with EmbeddedFiles.
- Export to PDF. A problem with the SVG image quality in Watermark.
- Export to Excel. The tab character could corrupt the file.
- Export to Excel. Issues with groupDigits if the HideZeros was enabled.