1.   Second Display TOTAL amount not fully display for the sen amount. (Ticket 129215)

2.   Fix where Incard Voucher Unable to Delete After Verification.

3.   Duplicate Receipt Items Function Added.

4.   Data Cleaning Function Added.

5.   FNBDataSet Table [SysSetting] length correction base on database definition for the following columns.

[Shoppe2GoHostName] [nvarchar](100)

[Shoppe2GoLicenseID] [nvarchar](100)

[Shoppe2GoIdentity] [nvarchar](100)

[Shoppe2GoUserID] [nvarchar](100)

[Shoppe2GoPassword] [nvarchar](100)

[Shoppe2GoApiURL] [nvarchar](300)

6.   Shoppe2Go Get Authentication method rectified by using APIKey instead of UserName + Password.

7.   Button Shoppe2Go at main screen visibility control based on APIKey value (SysSetting.Shoppe2GoLicenseID).

8.   Setup Wizard - Shoppe2Go Integration Setting to show [Is Enable Shppe2Go Delivery App Process] which synchronize from backend.

9.   Added system control when user is not enable Shoppe2Go Delivery App Process.

- invisible button [Driver Pickup]

- invisible [SHIPPED OUT] and [UNDELIVERED] filter.

- added [Completed] status selection during status update