Why/When you need to use Modifier and how to do it?
Video : https://drive.google.com/file/d/1xgNM9uxjVRCW1-jQAG1Vzh_gyvOWWhQ3/view?usp=sharing
Doc : https://docs.google.com/document/d/1-UjUEahlKmr1B6Dr1tnwqd3o4yhSIy0p/edit?usp=sharing&ouid=118421070514593588926&rtpof=true&sd=true
Why/When you need to use Modifier
When there is customer’s request when dropping order.
Example, asking for Less Ice / Less Sugar on a Drinks, or Less Spicy, No Vege, Addon Egg on a Food.
How to do it?
There is two way to do it,
Making a Modifier Template,
Or self-writing when there is request.
Create Modifier Template
At TouchFNB, go to Function Page, click on Modifier Button
Modifier Maintenance Screen will prompt out
Create a Modifier Group on the left, give a name, and click + button
Highlight the Modifier Group on the Left,
Type your Modifier on the right and click + button
* All Modifier created like this will always be 0 price
For Modifier with Addon Amount
Click on the Folder Icon
Your Stock Listing will show out, select your Stock Code, click on Green Tick, and OK
* Any modifier need to have price must create a Stock Code for it
After add in Stock as Modifier, if needed, you can change the modifier addon price by clicking on the Money button
*** After done setup your Modifier Template, must logout and login again for able to load it out.
To Use Modifier
After key in your Order, highlight the item (system auto highlight last order item)
Click on Modifier icon below Menu Category
POS Menu will change to Modifier Menu
Select Modifier Group, and Modifier, it will add under the item that highlighted
You can Manually Key in Modifier at below Custom Modifier/Comments
When you done select Modifier, click on Sales Screen button to back to POS Menu
When you choose Modifier with Addon Price, it will look like this.
** To remove Modifier, highlight the modifier on the left, and click Del Item button.