How to setup Multi Printer (Kitchen Printer)
Doc :
Once you have done create or update Menu/Stock
You need to setup Multi Printer to able print Kitchen Docket after drop order
At TouchFNB, go to Function page, click Multi Printer
Multi Printer Setting page will be show
Setup Printer Name 1st, by clicking the down arrow and tick on correspond printer name
Next, configure which printer to print when Menu/Stock ordered from each Category,
Example, set to printer 1 for print to kitchen and printer 2 for printer to bar.
If under 1 category, there is some items need to print on another printer
Set a number in Printer Group 1st, then assign printer group on individual item on right.
Example, like the picture show below,
all Drinks will print to Bar printer as set on the left,
but drinks no. 6 will print to Kitchen printer instead as set on the right.
Once done, click save, then drop order and see the result.
If no docket print out from printer after done setup this all,
Please contract helpdesk to enable multi printer printing.