Hotfix 0006 (2020-06-05)

New Enhancement List

  • Enhanced Customer Receipt and Payment Voucher, Export to File by added ItemRemark1 column. It also support for Import of ItemRemark1 by using the same exported format. (Ticket: 128483)

Hotfix 0005 (2020-06-03) 

New Enhancement List 

  • Added access right ALLOW OTHER PAYMENT and ALLOW SUPPLIER PAYMENT in Payment Voucher, user can only view and access the type of payment voucher according to the access right, also affect the payment voucher report and listing.
  • Enhanced performance of input in transaction screen by reduced overloaded re-query.

Hotfix 0004 (2020-02-17) 

Closed Issues List

  • Fixed Purchase Order would prompt error when import from Sales Order. (Ticket: 127681) 

Hotfix 0003 (2020-01-03) 

New Enhancement List 

  • Added 'Paid Orders Only' option for SiteGiant Generate Customer Invoice

Closed Issues List

  • Fix Document Prefix Popup error in SiteGiant Store Setup (Ticket: 127400)

Hotfix 0002 (2019-12-31) 

New Enhancement List 

  • Enhanced Cash Sales screen Payment flow:
    • Added new Payment button to call out the payment screen, alternative also can use the keyboard button F9.
    • Disable all cash type payment button that amount less than the bill amount to avoid misclicked.
    • Clicking on the cash type payment button with amount more than 0 will automatically added to the payment list.
    • Accepting the payment will now automatically save the document if the bill amount and payment amount is valid.
  • Enhanced Purchase Order - Fast Stock Reorder, the sequence of item ordered (upon press button Order) would now follow the exactly the sorting as per displayed on grid in Fast Stock Reorder screen. (Ticket 117244)
  • Enhanced Goods Receive Note - Import from Purchase Order by added Unit Price column. (Ticket: 127276)
    • New Import File Template refer to:
    • C:\SmartAcc\DynaMod\Import Template\SupplierGoodsReceiveNoteMatchPurchaseOrder.xlsx
    • C:\SmartAcc\DynaMod\Import Template\SupplierGoodsReceiveNoteMatchPurchaseOrder.txt

Hotfix 0001 (2019-12-20) 

Closed Issues List

  • Fix Net Total Price will display as Net Total Cost in Inventory transaction screen. (Ticket: 126945)
  • Fix Serial Number not able to import between documents if the same serial number appear in the same document for different stock. (Ticket: 127218)
  • Fix Cash Sales Payment record screen will always load the original record even there's any modification when open the Payment screen. (Ticket: 126840)