1.   Enhanced Incard Update Info

  • Update Customer Name
  • Update Customer Mobile No
  • Update Customer Address

2. Enhanced Incard Upload Record

  • Fine tune upload speed
  • Show Error/failed upload record page

3. Fixed Incard point failed upload with below condition, added checking when condition below meet then will prompt message to inform user to do the refund item instead exchange in sales transaction which cause below scenario happen:

  • Transaction amount more than 0 but point less than 0
  • Transaction amount less than 0 but point more than

Use Incard Sales API for more more or equal to 0 and refund API for amount less than 0

4.  Added print Barcode Label feature in POS.

5. Added print in Dot Matrix Format to speed up print for dotmatrix printer. (For receipt only)

6. Added new option for simplify dual screen display

7. Remove cover plus checking ewallet and fasspay integration, remain GHL, TouchNGO terminal and Mifare integration.

8. Added Fasspay Manual Approval if system can't get response from device after 60 seconds.

7. Ipay88 GrabPay fix eWallet Payment returning error.

    - Updated iPay88 dll

8. Fix eWallet refund Merchant slip not showing eWallet type.

9. Fixed retrieve sales and delete item (Contain promotion item) system will prompt error.