This is let user to print out customer sales order upon receiving a purchase order from a buyer(customer) specifying the details about the product or service along with price, quantity, buyer details like the shipping address, billing address, mode of payment and terms and conditions.
Report Format:
1. Sales Order (A4)
Notes: The report breakdown a number of items with the quantity, unit price, amount, payment terms and shipping address that confirm by customer.
2. Sales Order (A4) - GST
Notes: The report breakdown a number of items with the quantity, unit price, amount, payment terms and shipping address that confirm by customer. This report is include GST amount.
3. Sales Order (A4) - GST - with Deposit
Notes: The report breakdown a number of items with the quantity, unit price, amount, payment terms and shipping address that confirm by customer. This report is include deposit paid by customer and GST amount.
4. Sales Order (A4) - GST - Article
Notes: The report breakdown a number of items with the article no, quantity, unit price, amount, payment terms and shipping address that confirm by customer. This report is include GST amount.
5. Sales Order (A4) - SST
Notes: The report breakdown a number of items with the quantity, unit price, amount, payment terms and shipping address that confirm by customer. This report is include SST amount.
6. Sales Order (A4) - SST - with Deposit
Notes: The report breakdown a number of items with the quantity, unit price, amount, payment terms and shipping address that confirm by customer. This report is include deposit paid by customer and SST amount.
7. Sales Order (A4) - SST - Article
Notes: The report breakdown a number of items with the article no, quantity, unit price, amount, payment terms and shipping address that confirm by customer. This report is include SST amount.