
This report provide stock take document.

Report Format:

1. Stock Take (A4)

Notes: The report breakdown a number of stock with the old quantity, new quantity and uom.

Notes: The report breakdown a number of stock with the old quantity, new quantity and uom with tick the checkbox Suppress Zero for Variance Quantity. Variance Quantity is differences of the old and new quantity stock.

Notes: The report breakdown a number of stock with the old quantity, new quantity and uom with tick the checkbox Suppress Zero for Old Quantity

2. Stock Take with Movement Detail (A4)

Notes: The report breakdown a number of stock with the movement transaction of in/out  and balance quantity at specific location. This report request to tick the checkbox Include Stock Movement Detail (Might take longer time if selected).

3. Stock Take - Stock Count (A4)

Notes: The report breakdown a number of stock with the old quantity and uom. The new quantity is empty and have the boxes is to let user printed this document and fill in the blank with actual current stock quantity.

4. Stock Take in Base UOM (A4)

Notes: The report breakdown a number of stock by base UOM only with the old quantity, new quantity, variance quantity and total variance cost.