
Payment voucher is used to record a payment of cash or cheque for all types of payments like payment to creditor (supplier), bill payment, etc.

Report Format:

1. Supplier Payment Voucher (A4)

Notes: The report breakdown with document date, document no, amount, discount and applied amount. 

Notes: The report breakdown the document date, document no, amount, discount and applied amount with tick the checkbox Show Payment History Details

2. Supplier Payment Voucher (A5)

Notes: The report breakdown with document date, document no, amount, discount and applied amount in A5 sizes. 


3. Other Payment Voucher (A4)

Notes: The report breakdown with document date, document no, amount, discount and applied amount.

4. Other Payment Voucher (A4) - GST

Notes: The report breakdown with document date, document no, amount, discount and applied amount. This report is include GST amount.

5. Other Payment Voucher (A5)

Notes: The report breakdown with document date, document no, amount, discount and applied amount in A5 sizes.

6. Other Payment Voucher (A5) - GST

Notes: The report breakdown with document date, document no, amount, discount and applied amount in A5 sizes. This report is include GST amount.