
A debit note can be issued from a buyer to their seller to indicate or request a return of funds due to incorrect or damaged goods received, purchase cancellation, or other specified circumstances.

Report Format:

1. Supplier Debit Note (A4) 

Notes: The report breakdown a number of stock returned with the quantity, uom, unit price, discount and amount.

2. Supplier Debit Note (A4) - Serial Number

Notes: The report breakdown a number of stock returned with the quantity, uom, unit price, discount and amount. The serial number of the specific stock id will listing out.   

3. Supplier Debit Note (A4) - GST

Notes: The report breakdown a number of stock returned with the quantity, uom, unit price, discount and amount. This report is include GST amount.  

4. Supplier Debit Note (A4) - GST - Serial Number

Notes: The report breakdown a number of stock returned with the quantity, uom, unit price, discount and amount. The serial number of the specific stock id will listing out and include GST amount.