
This report provide goods receive note document is used to confirm all goods in the purchase order have been received before payment is issued.

Report Format:

1. Goods Receive Note (A4)

Notes: The report breakdown a number of stock with the quantity, uom, unit price, discount and amount.

2. Goods Receive Note (A4) - Serial Number

Notes: The report breakdown a number of stock with the quantity, uom, unit price, discount and amount. The serial number of the specific stock id will listing out.  

3. Goods Receive Note (A4) - GST

Notes: The report breakdown a number of stock with the quantity, uom, unit price, discount and amount. This report is include GST amount.  

4. Goods Receive Note (A4) - GST - Serial Number

Notes: The report breakdown a number of stock with the quantity, uom, unit price, discount and amount. The serial number of the specific stock id will listing out and include GST amount.

5. Goods Receive Note (A4) - GST - Article

Notes: The report breakdown a number of stock with the article no, quantity, uom, unit price, discount and amount. This report is include GST amount.