1, Fixed if e-wallet payment description more than 20 character system will prompt error
2. Fixed wechat pay RSA key is blank then system will prompt un-handle error message.
3. Incard - Option to send barcode for upload sales transaction
4. Incard - Voucher redeem for payment not include for point calculation.
5. Incard - Kiosk screen to add incard member point checking
6. Fasspay Mpos credit card integration
7. If activate cover plus and windows without .net 4.5 system will prompt warning message when login.
8. Fix InCard Renewal, receipt always show "Offline - Pending Upload to Server" due to InCardSaleApprovalNo is blank.
9. Fix Customer Notes by allowed it to scroll up/down.
10. Fix POS News could caused screen blinking (flickering). (Ticket: 108706)
11. Fix Time Attendance Checking Logic whenever option of "Check Clock Out before Close Counter" been used. The option "Check Clock Out before Close Counter" will applicable for Basic Attendance Type only (without ticked of "Used Advanced Type" option)Whenever "Used Advanced Type" option being checked, then system will not perform check clock out before close counter. (Ticket: 114015)
12. Enhanced Kick Drawer function failed and error prompt that usually happened right after windows update on certain machines. (Ticket: 111416, 111381, 114535)
(System will auto run the command "C:\WINDOWS\Microsoft.NET\Framework64\v2.0.50727\Ldr64.exe setwow" by 'Run as Administarator', and attempt to kick drawer again once.)
13. Fix failed of Upload Offline INCard Transactions due to the INCard member already expired whenever system attempt to perform upload manually. (Ticket: 114436)
14. Enhanced In INCard Upload Transactions screen, those transactions rejected by INCard Server would be skipped and no longer keep uploading. The rejected record and it's reason would be able to view in [View History Transaction] as well. (Ticket: 112815, 110623)
15. Enhanced to auto perform upload pending INCard Transactions when perform close counter. (The Upload INCard Transaction Screen would be prompted as previous, and further enhanced the process by auto perform upload)
16. Enhanced the program to handle for those unhandled exceptions that could caused program crashed (close automatically). It will now raised with reason, saved the reason to a daily log text file (ApplicationLog folder) and database, and program will not be closed automatically. (Ticket: 114363)
17. Fix the modifier page wouldn't be shown automatically whenever amend quantity on last modifier item. It will now auto focus on that modified quantity of modifier item.
18. Added option in <Miscellanous System Operation Setting(Step 9 of 20)> to show table details when Floor Plan is used.
19. Added option to link weighing machine under system setup, once it successful link with POS those open stock will directly get quantity from the weighing machine instead of manually key-in.