1. Support SST input for the following transaction
- Quotation
- Sales Order
- Sales Order (WorkShop)
- Credit Note
- Other Receipt
- Journal Entry
2. Fix Create Customer Invoice Quick Entry with Document Date 31-Aug-2018, system prompt warning message when wanted to input detail.
"Not Allowed Document Date Later Than GST Effective To Date.
(GST is Enabled For This Document)"
3. Fix SST is enabled, change document date validation issue.
4. Cover Cash Sales from i-Center SST posting.
5. Cover TouchNPOS Credit Sales SST posting.
6. System Default Setting and Preferences - SST, added setting Price SST Exclusive ( for POS Use Only).
This setting is for POS to indicate that current selling price is always SST Exclusive.
After user completed stock price adjustment then may untick this setting and POS selling price inclusive / exclusive tax will follow stock item compound tax setting.