1. Added new Order Info screen, to key in the customer delivery and Order info (shortcutKey = Shirt + i)
Symptom : New Order Info screen allow to key in Customer Name, Contact No, Address , Collection Date and Remark.
2. Enhanced Retrieve Sales Filter Record
Symptom : Previously user need to select Filter column then key in the search value. This version user just need to key in the value and system
will auto filter the record by Table No, Document No, Order By, Customer Name, Telephone No, Reference,Create By.
3. Enhanced add new order the item display in different colour.
Symptom : Previously when user add on new order the screen display same colour for the new item and thus the user might not able to differential the
new add on order. In this version, when user key in the new add on order (order after hold) the screen will display different colour for the new item
4. Enhanced multi printer selection to replace existing printer group (now only applicable to print HoldSales and HoldKitchen)
Symptom : Previously system only allow 1 printer selection, but in this version system support multi printer selection which in future will replace the existing printer group. But currently this setting only applicable to print Hold Sales and HoldKitchen.
5. Added Daily Total Report
6. Show Reprint Receipt button After Payment when enabled Payment Screen Close in 60 Second setting.
7. Fixed Refund Bill/Item contain custom modifier will prompt out error and cause Refund failed.